New Voices Editorial Policy

Approaches and Domains

Although the journal’s nature and aims call for inclusiveness, it is our belief that this need not be at the expense of quality and rigour. In terms of writing style, our emphasis shall be on readability, and in terms of content, it shall be on well thought-out and novel contributions to the field. The journal’s scope will be broad in the sense that it will cover all areas within translation studies, understanding translation in its broadest sense – including, but not restricted to, human and computer-aided translation, machine translation, oral and sign language interpreting, dubbing and subtitling. The journal will not be restricted to any particular school of thought or methodology.

For all article submissions, please follow the link to our 2021 revised style guide: New Voices Style Guide 


Reviewing Process

New Voices in Translation Studies will publish high quality, fully refereed articles which have gone through the processes of peer review and, where appropriate, such revision as is recommended by the reviewers. Articles submitted to New Voices will be reviewed by one new researcher and one established scholar, both of whom shall be members of the Advisory Panel. Alternatively other qualified researchers will be selected by the panel. Only whole articles will be reviewed - not abstracts or summaries. Articles for review will be anonymised wherever possible. The comments provided to authors by the reviewers will be constructive and helpful and designed to aid authors in producing articles of a publishable standard.



In accordance with our aims, preference will be given to articles submitted by new researchers, although we may occasionally publish articles by more established scholars. We understand the concepts of 'new' and 'established' in relation to 'researcher' not as two distinct and opposed categories but as degrees in a continuum reflecting the amount of experience gained by the researcher in the course of their career. Any attempt to establish concrete limits around each concept would not only be extremely difficult but also counter-productive, given that the aim of the journal is to bring the two extremes of the continuum closer and not to reinforce their differences. However, for reasons of transparency and clarity, we have established a set of criteria to help us make decisions regarding the issue of who qualifies as a 'new researcher':

  • Students who have finished a Masters degree and are planning to do a PhD
  • Scholars who are currently doing their PhD
  • PhD graduates who have submitted their thesis less than a year ago
  • Practising translators who have only recently started doing research in Translation Studies
  • Researchers who have no more than three publications in the field of Translations Studies and not more than one in a peer-reviewed journal

The above shall serve only as guidelines and not as strict rules. The editors shall reserve their right to make decisions according to the particularities of each case under consideration.



The language of the journal will be English. However, in line with the IATIS's multilingual policy, we would like to encourage authors to submit the abstracts of their articles as well as PhD abstracts in another language in addition to English. If provided, the abstracts will not only be published in the journal but also will be contributed to the expanding TraduXio-IATIS Space, an online collaborative and multilingual translation tool set up by IATIS to create, store and share abstracts on academic conference papers and articles.


Guidelines for Book Review Submission

The book review should be written in English and should be of 1500 to 2000 words in length. It should be composed of a summary of the contents of the book and a critical evaluation showing its relevance to specific areas of translation studies. Please follow the guidelines in the revised 2021 style-sheet for New Voices.

The following details of the book reviewed should be provided:

  • Ÿ Book title in full
  • Ÿ Name of the author(s) /editor(s)
  • Ÿ Place and date of publication
  • Ÿ Name and address of the publisher
  • Ÿ Total number of pages
  • Ÿ ISBN number and price

All reviews should be submitted by email to [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.].

Reviewers may send us proposals to review books on specific themes or topics. Please contact our book-review editors, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any enquiris, to discuss your proposals or find out whether the title selected is being reviewed.

Please note that, as specified in the Editorial Policy, preference will be given to contributions by researchers new to the field. However, contributions from more experienced researchers will also always be welcome.

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