Friday, 18 October 2024 03:02

Submission Guidelines


At this stage, we are inviting proposals from convenors of panels, roundtables, workshops and artistic initiatives (deadline 15 Nov 2024) on the topic of the conference: Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation and (Re)Creation

Please note that individual communications will be submitted at a later stage (see Key Deadlines)



Panels will serve as the cornerstone for structuring the conference programme. Panels are thematic, integrated discussions for 6 to 12 sessions on a clearly identified theme or topic within the larger theme of the conference (Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation and (Re)Creation). They should provide attendees with an opportunity to hear presenters engage in dialogue amongst themselves as well as with attendees about cutting-edge research, practice, theory building, and/or policy development.

Important: at this stage, you do not need to have a list of speakers or abstracts. Your panel proposal will be assessed by the Scientific Committee. If accepted, your panel will then be posted on IATIS website and turned into a thematic call for papers open for anyone to submit. Panels convenors will be in charge of reviewing all abstracts submitted to their panel. The members of the scientific committee will review panel convenors’ selection before a notification of acceptance of abstracts can be issued. 

Timeline for Panels

-       Submission of panel proposals: 15 Nov 2024

-       Announcement of accepted panel proposals: 10 Jan 2025

-       Review of abstracts submitted to panel convenors: 30 May 2025

 Link to the submission platform: HERE

The following information will be required:

-       Details about the convenor(s): name, surname, affiliation, bionote (approx..100 words) and contact address

-       Details about the proposal: abstract (approx. 500 words)

-       Optional: Tentative list of speakers and subtopics covered, if any. Please note that even if you have a list of possible speakers, all accepted panels remain open to submissions by interested IATIS delegates

See examples of IATIS panels in previous conferences 

-       Barcelona Panels 2021

-       Hong Kong Panels 2018


Roundtables run for one hour and provide opportunities for up to three participants with specific expertise and varying positions/opinions to discuss with one another, and with the audience, topics concerning the theme of the conference (Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation, and (Re)creation). 

Timeline for Roundtables  

-       Submission of roundtable proposals: 15 Nov 2024

-       Announcement of acceptance: 10 Jan 2025

Link to the submission platform: HERE

The following information will be required:

-       Details about the presenter(s): name, surname, affiliation, bionote (100 words approx.) and contact address

-       Abstract (500 words approx.)

See examples of IATIS papers in previous conferences 

-       Barcelona roundtables 2021

-       Hong Kong roundtables 2018


Pre-conference workshops run for a day or half a day on Dec 9 (preceding the main conference). These workshops are designed to be training sessions on a topic of interest to conference attendees, such as teaching and professional development, with a special emphasis on learning or developing new skills.

Timeline for Workshops 

-       Submission of workshop proposals: 15 Nov 2024

-       Announcement of acceptance: 10 Jan 2025

Link to the submission platform: HERE

The following information will be required:

-       Details about the workshop presenter(s): name, surname, affiliation, bionote (100 words approx.) and contact address

-       Abstract (500 words approx.)

See examples of IATIS papers in previous conferences 

-       Barcelona workshops 2021

-       Hong Kong workshops 2018

Artistic initiatives

These initiatives will reflect the cultures of the world. Artistic initiatives come from conference delegates and can be about or across cultures. They should address the topic of the conference (Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation and (Re)Creation).

 Timeline for Artistic Initiatives 

-       Submission of artistic initiative proposals: 15 Nov 2024

-       Announcement of acceptance: 10 Jan 2025

Link to the submission platform: HERE

The following information will be required:

-       Details about the artistic initiative organizer(s): name, surname, affiliation, bionote (100 words approx.) and contact address

-       Abstract (500 words approx.)

See examples of IATIS papers in previous conferences 

-       Barcelona artistic initiative 2021

-       Hong Kong artistic initiative 2018


These are individual presentations which form the backbone of the conference parallel sessions. Researchers can send abstracts to be presented as papers in thematic panels or independent of any panel in the conference. Papers are given the same amount of time given to panel session papers and they may be added by the conference scientific committee to an established conference panel, if relevant, and in consultation with the convener.

Timeline for Papers 

-       Call for individual papers: 10 Jan 2025

-       Announcement of accepted papers: 30 Jun 2025

Link to the submission platform: HERE

The following information will be required:

-       Details about the presenter(s): name, surname, affiliation, bionote (100 words approx.) and contact address

-       Abstract (500 words approx.)

See examples of IATIS papers in previous conferences 

-       Barcelona Papers 2021

-       Hong Kong Papers 2018

Social Programme

The programme will showcase the local Omani culture, the host organiser. This will be locally organised and coordinated with the IATIS team.

Last modified on Friday, 18 October 2024 05:15

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