Remember that it is paramount to keep time and ensure that out of the 30 minutes allocated to your presentation, there should be approximately 10 minutes dedicated to Q&A, maximum 15 minutes, minimum 5 minutes. So please caliber the time of your presentation accordingly.
Some of the recommendations below may be redundant if you are an experienced speaker but we thought there is no harm inrecalling the basics and providing key technical details:
1. Before the session:
- Pleasecheck the program of the Conference for regular updates here.
- 5or 10 minutes before the session: enter the room.
- Your PowerPoint will be stored on the computer of the room. If you have updated your PowerPoint, ensure you have arranged to store it ahead of the session.
3. During the session:
- Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions in the Q&A session immediately after the presentationto make the Q&A session as rich and smooth as possible.
Thank you for your collaboration.
Remember that it is paramount to keep time and ensure that all speakers and Q&A sessions stay within the limits of their allocated slot, as per the published programme. We ask you to be (diplomatically) firm on this point, and to strive to make the session as lively as possible.
Some of the information below may be redundant if you are an experienced convenor but we thought there is no harm in sharing it with you to ensure a smooth process.
Before the session:
- Pleasecheck the programme of the Conference for regular updates here.
- Donot hesitate to touch base with the presenters of your session to confirm details ahead of the panel.
5 or 10 minutes before the session: enter the room
- You will find a member of the technical team who will be there to assist you. The technician will be in charge of activating chairs’ and speakers’ microphones.
- On-site there will be a volunteer to assist you in the room. The volunteers will ensure the implementation of precautionary measures and assist the chair with Q&A.
During the session:
In the unlikely situation that a speaker does not show up, we do not recommend any rescheduling. You may choose touse this to extend Q&A, to discuss further the topic of the panel, etc.
After the Conference, we would welcome any feedback about your experience as a chair, so that we know what worked well, what did not work so well, and your general impression, so that we can learn from this experience.
Thank you for your collaboration.