Friday, 01 January 2010 01:39

Issue - 1 (2005)

Edited by

Gabriela Saldanha and Marion Winters



Gabriela Saldanha, Marion Winters

[Editorial text]




Applying Translation Theory in Teaching


María Calzada Pérez, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló de la Plana, SPAIN




Responding to the Enigmatic Address of the Other: A Psychoanalytical Approach to the Translator's Labour

Elena Basile, York University, CANADA




The Limits of the Play Text: Translating Comedy

Christina Marinetti, University of Warwick, U.K.




Gender-related Issues in the English Translations of Esther Tusquets and Rosa Montero: Discrepancies between Critical and Translational Figurations

Helena Miguélez Carballeira, University of Wales, Bangor, U.K.




Punctuation Strategies in the Textualization of Femininity: Virginia Woolf Translated into Italian

Elena Minelli, Bath University, U.K.




(This section contains abstracts of recently submitted PhD theses.)


In Other Words. Coming to Terms with Irish Identities through Translation: Readings of the Twelve Plays Produced by the Field Day Theatre Company, 1980-1991

Aiden O'Malley, European University Institute, Florence, ITALY


Investigating Lexical Patterning in Translated Brazilian Portuguese: A Corpus-based Study

Carmen Dayrell, University of Manchester, U.K.


Translation as Social Action: A Study of Academic Documents (Spanish-English)

Catherine Way, Universidad de Granada, SPAIN


Translation and Narration: A Corpus-based Study of French Translations of Two Novels by Virginia Woolf

Charlotte Bosseaux, University of Edinburgh, U.K.


Language and Translation in International Transfer - The Formation of Turkish Patent Specifications as a Text Type

Elif Daldeniz, Okan University, Istanbul, TURKEY


The Translation of Matrimonial Crisis Dossiers in Spain and Ireland: A Study on Legal Translation

Guadalupe Soriano Barabino, Universidad de Granada, SPAIN


Renewing Old Aquaintances: The Conflation of Critical and Translational Paths in the Anglo-American Reception of Mercé Rodoreda, Esther Tusquets and Rosa Montero

Helena Miguélez Carballeira, University of Wales, Bangor, U.K.


Synonymity and Translated Finnish. A Corpus-based View of Contextuality of Synonymous Expressions and Lexical Features Specific to Translated Language

Jarmo Harri Jantunen, University of Joensuu, FINLAND


The Translation of Disney Comics in the Arab World: A Pragmatic Perspective

Jehan Ibrahim Zitawi, Abu Dhabi University, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES


Textual Cognetics and the Role of Iconic Linkage in Software User Guides 

Jody Byrne, University of Sheffield, U.K.


Brazilian Practices of Translating Names in Children's Fantasy Literature: A Corpus-based Study

Lincoln P. Fernandes, Faculdades Barddal, BRAZIL


Comparative Translation Assessment: Quantifying Quality 

Ljuba Tarvi, University of Helsinki, FINLAND


The Use of Electronic Dictionaries and Other Internet Resources as Training Tools for Translators (English - Spanish)

María del Mar Sánchez Ramos, Dublin City University, IRELAND


A Critical Study of (C-E/E-C) Text-based Translation Testing for Translation Teaching: Towards Constructing a Fuzzy Synthetic Marking Model 

Mu Lei, Guandong University of Foreign Studies, CHINA


Shun the Pun, Rescue the Rhyme? The Dubbing and Subtitling of Language-Play in Film 

Thorsten Schröter, Karlstad University, SWEDEN


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