Friday, 23 September 2016 11:59

New Voices in Translation Studies 15 (2016)

Edited by

David Charlston, Rebecca Johnson, Gloria Lee, Ruth Abou Rached, M. Zain Sulaiman, Kelly Pasmatzi


Book Reviews Editor: Gloria Lee

Abstracts Editors: Rebecca Johnson, Ruth Abou Rached


Editors’ Introduction

M. Zain Sulaiman

[Editorial]                                                                                    i-iv



Rap Lyrics Translation: Theoretical and Practical Aspects

Emanuele Risso

Independent Researcher, ITALY

[Abstract]                     [Article]                                                  1-30


Developing a ‘Neo-Metric’ for the Evaluation of Translation Memory

Gareth Watkins

Cardiff University, UNITED KINGDOM

[Abstract]                     [Article]                                                  31-62


Measuring Post-editing Time and Effort for Different Types of Machine Translation Errors

Anna Zaretskaya
University of Málaga, SPAIN

Mihaela Vela
University of Saarland, GERMANY

Gloria Corpas Pastor
University of Málaga, SPAIN

Miriam Seghiri
University of Málaga, SPAIN

[Abstract]                     [Article]                                                 63-92



Reviewer: Daniela Almansi

Title reviewed:

Translating Children's Literature: Translation Practices Explained, by Gillian Lathey (2015)

[Book Review]                                                                          93-96


Reviewer: Marija Todorova

Title reviewed:

Interconnecting Translation Studies and Imagology, edited by Luc van Doorslaer, Peter Flynn and Joep Leerssen (2015)

[Book Review]                                                                        97-102



A Corpus Based Genre Analysis of Institutional Translation in Korea

Jinsil Choi

Keimyung University, SOUTH KOREA



Between the Centre and the Periphery: Schulzian Style in English Translation

Marta Crickmar

University of Gdansk, POLAND



An Exploration into the Semiotic Rationale for Gender Shifts in English-Arabic Literary Translation: the case of Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

Lina Fadel

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK



The Periodical as a Site of Translational Inquiry into Hollywood-Driven Vernacular Modernism: The Turkish Film Magazine Yıldız (1938–1954)

Ceyda Özmen

Ege University, TURKEY



The Modification of Translation Universals in Revised Texts

Edina Robin

University of Eötvös Loránd, Budapest, HUNGARY



Rumi’s Sufism Received in and Perceived by the English-speaking and French-speaking Worlds: A Study of the English and French Translations

Amir Sedeghat

Ryerson University, Toronto, CANADA



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