Sunday, 29 September 2019 07:59

Call for Papers (Issue 22, May 2020)

Special Issue on

Rethinking (Self-)Translation in (Trans)national Contexts


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Rethinking (Self-)Translation in (Trans)national Contexts

Printable version

Submission of abstract (500 words) :      31st October 2019
Notification of conditional acceptance :     4th December 2019
Submission of full paper:                         10th February 2020
Publication Date :                                 17th - 31st May 2020

Self-translation is understood as a translation of one text into another language by the author of the source text. The difference between ‘self-translation’ and ‘translation’ has often been related to issues of authority: “the author-translator will feel justified in introducing changes into the text where an ‘ordinary’ translator might hesitate to do so” (Koller 1979/1992: 197 c.f. Montini 2016). Practices and understandings of self-translation have undergone radical shifts and innovations since it was first understood as a literary phenomenon carried out by one person with more ‘rights’ than a ‘translator.’ Alongside ever diversifying situes, languages and formats of (self-) representation, understandings of the ‘self’, ‘author’ and ‘authority’ can no longer, for instance, be configured in such categorical terms. In these contexts, self-translation has emerged as a practice of cultural and ideological mediation in multi-lingual spaces whose implications are political, sociological and ideological in scope (Castro, Mainer & Page 2017). Such shifts invite us to consider what self-translation could mean, particularly in the globalised, localised and (trans)national contexts of a world whose means of communication are diversifying understandings of authorship and translation, as well as their contexts of mediation.

As a way of continuing and adding to recent critical scholarly engagements and debates on the role of self-translation in multi-lingual spaces, New Voices in Translation Studies is delighted to announce that Issue 22 (May 2020) will be dedicated, for the first time, to the theme of self-translation.
New Voices in Translation Studies very warmly invites submissions of papers relating to the theme ‘Rethinking Self-Translation in Global, Local and (Trans)national Contexts.’
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Concepts and theories of self-translation
- Roles and functions played by self-translation in a (trans)national world
- Methodologies and analytical frameworks in (self-)translation studies
- Self-translators as cultural and ideological mediators
- Subjectivities, locations and identities in self-translation
- Practices of invisibility and visibility
- Self-translating in conflict and censorship
- Self-translation and activism
- Creative innovations in self-translation
- Materialities, channels and formats of self-translation

For this Special Issue, the Editorial Board welcomes three guest editors, Magdalena Kampert, Elena Anna Spagnuolo and Huimin Zhong, organisers of the conference Re/Thinking (Self)Translation in (Trans)National Contexts, held at the University of Manchester, UK, on 7th June 2019. For further information on how to submit your paper, please refer to our editorial policy and submission guidelines.

Read 4661 times Last modified on Thursday, 27 August 2020 09:43
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