Monday, 16 November 2020 12:56

New Voices in Translation Studies 23 (2020)

Edited by:

Ruth Abou Rached, Edmund Chapman, David Charlston, Kelly Pasmatzi, M. Zain Sulaiman, Marija Todorova

Abstracts Editors: Ruth Abou Rached and Kelly Pasmatzi

Book Reviews Editor: Marija Todorova



Editors’ Introduction

Editors' Introduction to Issue 23                                                                                                        i-v


Getting their wires crossed? Interpreters and clinicians’ expectations of the role of professional interpreters in the Australian health context
Ineke Crezee,
Auckland University of Technology, NEW ZEALAND
Emiliano Zucchi,
Monash University, AUSTRALIA
Shirley Jülich,
Massey University, NEW ZEALAND

Spanish Abstract       English Abstract                                                  Article                              1 - 30


Translation: Deaf Realities
Janis Cole,
Gallaudet University, USA

English Abstract                                                                                     Article                            31 - 59


A feminist voice re/written in translation: A case study of the Arabic version of Joumana Haddad’s I Killed Scheherazade
Andree Affeich and Hoda Hilal,
Lebanese American University, LEBANON

English Abstract                                                                                     Article                            60 - 85


Philosophical production through translation
The Kindī-circle and development of an Arab philosophy tradition

Garda Elsherif,
University of Mainz, GERMANY

Arabic Abstract         German Abstract         English Abstract                 Article                  86 - 109


Interpreters’ strategies for dealing with different source speech delivery rates: formally similar vs formally dissimilar approaches
Stefanie Dose,
University of Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA

German Abstract         English Abstract                                                     Article                       110 - 134



Reviewer: Yanmeng Liu
Title reviewed: Advances in Empirical Translation Studies: Developing Translation Resources and Technologies, edited by Meng Ji and Micheal Oakes (2019).

 Book Review                                                                                                                           135 - 139



Intra- and Intercultural Translation through the Prism of Linguistic Fluidity and Literary Circulation
Višnja Krstić,
University of Belgrade, SERBIA

Serbian and English Abstracts

Giving the past a voice: Oral History on Romanian Communism in Translation
Diana Painca,
Université Libre de Bruxelles, BELGIUM

French, Romanian and English Abstracts

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