The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the following Artistic Initiative as part of the conference program:
மொழிபெயர்ப்பு/the nature of difference
By Hephzibah Israel (University of Edinburgh)
The exhibition comprises a series of 20 panels of individual text works by Hephzibah Israel produced in collaboration with Fraser Muggeridge Studio. Each panel comprises black print on coloured card (dimensions 90cm X 60cm) that can be mounted on either fixed or movable panels or on plain wall. The exhibition could stay up during the entire conference for participants to take in as and when they find time between sessions. Additionally, on one of the evenings, I could do a ‘poetry reading’ session followed by a Q&A and discussion on the themes of the exhibition, including using translation research creatively for the public outside academia.
For informal enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.