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IATIS Constitution

International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies

Constitution as agreed by the IATIS General Meeting,

Cape Town, 13 July 2006

Name and Legal Status

The International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) is a non-profit making organization. It provides an intellectual forum where scholars from different regional and disciplinary backgrounds can debate issues relating to translation and other forms of cross-cultural communication.

Address for Correspondence

The IATIS address for correspondence is that of the Secretary/Treasurer serving in that role at any given time. The secretariat will change when a new Secretary/Treasurer is appointed.

Official Language

The official language of IATIS is English.


IATIS aims to:

  • Establish an organizational structure that will facilitate the exchange of knowledge, expertise and resources among scholars in various parts of the world;

  • Stimulate interaction among scholars in different geographical regions;

  • Encourage scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to explore areas of mutual concern.


IATIS undertakes the following kinds of activities to fulfill its aims:

  • Convening triennial conferences;

  • Organizing other meetings and workshops;

  • Promoting the publications of scholarly works;

  • Encouraging and coordinating research;

  • Exchanging information with other bodies and institutions;

  • Raising funds to further its aims.

Organisational Structure

Executive Council

The governing body of IATIS is an Executive Council comprising:

  • The President;

  • The Two Vice-Presidents;

  • The Secretary/Treasurer;

  • The Chair of Executive Council;

  • The Committee Chairs and Website Manager(s);

  • Twelve to fifteen additional members.

Duties of Executive Council

The President:

  • To represent IATIS in external contacts;
  • To sign official documents on behalf of IATIS;
  • To chair general meetings of IATIS.

The Vice-Presidents:

  • To deputize for and assist the President.

The Chair of Executive Council:

  • To chair Executive Council meetings and coordinate the work of the Executive Council.

The Secretary/Treasurer

  • To collect income and make payments on behalf of IATIS;

  • To arrange appropriate public liability insurance to limit the liability of Executive Council members in the country where the Secretary/Treasurer is based;

  • To provide a budget for the upcoming year within three months of appointment, and on the anniversary of his/her appointment;

  • To provide budgets and statements of income and expenditure to the Executive Council on a regular basis.

  • To transfer surplus funds and financial records to the new Secretary/Treasurer within three months of the election of a new Executive Council.

Twelve to fifteen members:

  • To represent the views of the membership of IATIS;
  • To propose, discuss and introduce activities commensurate with the aims of the Association.

Further Duties of the Executive Council

  • To convene a general meeting during the triennial conference;

  • To oversee the elections of the Association’s officers;

  • To present the budget to the IATIS membership;

  • To promote the aims and activities of the Association;

  • To set up committees as appropriate.

Appointment of members of the Executive Council

The Executive Council will be elected for a four-year term by a ballot of individual members. In the case of the resignation of a member before the end of his/her term, the Executive Council may appoint a replacement member for the remainder of the term. Members of Executive Council cannot serve in the same function for more than two consecutive terms.


  • Any person or institution may become a member by payment of dues. In exceptional cases, the Executive Council reserves the right to refuse or annul membership.

  • The categories of membership are individual and institutional. The categories of individual membership are: Full, Student/Retired, and Group;

  • Membership is renewable annually;

  • Honorary membership is offered by the Executive Council on a case by case basis;

  • Membership fees are determined by the Assocation’s General Meeting.

Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the Constitution may be made by the Executive Council and approved by two thirds of the votes returned in a ballot of individual members.


The Association’s accounts are audited on a regular basis.



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