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IATIS Conference Committee


The main tasks of the IATIS Conference Committee are to facilitate the timely and efficient organisation of the triennial conference of the Association, and to help ensure that the conference becomes an important vehicle in achieving the Association’s aims, particularly with regard to its aspirations to be inclusive, multi-disciplinary, and respectful of different research traditions.

Specifically, the Conference Committee will:

  • develop a set of selection criteria for conference venues
  • invite applications to host conferences
  • present the options and, if required, make a recommendation to the Executive Council of IATIS on the selection of a conference venue
  • establish target timetables for the selection of venues, notification of conferences, calls for papers, publication of volumes following on from conferences, etc.
  • establish criteria for the designation, and targets for numbers, of supported students/researchers at IATIS conferences
  • ensure that relevant IATIS infrastructure (mailing lists, archived conference programmes, web forms, etc) is made available to conference organizing committees/local organizing committees
  • encourage conference organizers to reach out to researchers from a range of scholarly backgrounds.

The Committee reports to the Executive Council.




KYUNG HYE KIM, Chair of the IATIS Conference Committee

Dongguk University

South Korea


Kyung Hye KIM is Assistant Professor at Department of English Linguistics, Interpretation and Translation, Dongguk University, South Korea, and Deputy Director and co-founder of SISU Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Her academic interests lie in corpus-based translation studies, critical discourse analysis, and multilingualism in media translation. She is a member of the Genealogies of Knowledge Research Network and Oslo Medical Corpus project.


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JULIE BOÉRI, Member of the IATIS Conference Committee

Hamad Bin Khalifa University



Julie Boéri, BA, MSc, PhD (University of Granada in Spain & Manchester in the UK), is Associate Professor of Translation and Interpreting at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (Doha, Qatar). She was the Chair of the IATIS Conference Committee from 2012 to 2021. As a member of Babels (the international network of volunteer translators and interpreters), she has been interpreting and coordinating interpreting at various Social Forums around the world. This experience oriented her research towards the complex interplay between political principles and logistical pressures, the dynamics of resistance and co-optation that characterize social change-oriented initiatives as well as the challenge of organizing itinerary internationalist events, while attending local political agendas, identities, languages and cultures. Her work focuses on the translational nature of contemporary social movements and civil society, and on the ethics and the politics of translation and interpreting.

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YOUNGMIN KIM, Member of the IATIS Conference Committee

Dongguk University Seoul/ Hangzhou Normal University

Korea/ China


Youngmin Kim has received his Ph. D. in English at the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1991. Currently he is distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature at Dongguk University and founding Director of Institute of Trans Media World Literature and Director of Digital Humanities Lab; and Jack Ma Chair Professor at College of International Studies, Hangzhou Normal University, China. He is currently executive council member of ICLA (International Comparative Literature Association), IATIS (International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies), and IAELC; vice-president of KADH (Korean Association of Digital Humanities), editorial supervisor of JELL, chair of international affairs committee of KEASTWEST (Korean Association of East-West Comparative Literature), editor-in-chief of the journal of  KEASTWEST; and editorial board member of CLCWeb, Foreign Literature Studies, Journal of International Yeats Studies, Journal of New Techno Humanities.

 Previously in Korea, he served as President of The William Butler Yeats Society of Korea, The Jacques Lacan & Contemporary Psychoanalysis Society of Korea, ELLAK (English Language and Literature Association of Korea), as the Editor-in-chief of Journal of English Language and Literature (JELL); Internationally, as the vice president of IASIL(International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures) & IAELC (International Association of Ethical Literary Criticism); as advisory committee member of CISLE (Center for International Study for Literatures in English-Innsbruch University) and IWL (Institute of World Literature-Harvard University).

 His research is focused on English literature, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies, World Literature, Trans Media, Digital Humanities, Technology in the Humanities. He has been the principal investigator of NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) Projects of transnationalism and cultural translation; aesthetics and ethics of the convergence of world literature, trans media, digital humanities, and humanities in technology.


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CLAIRE LARSONNEUR, Member of the IATIS Conference Committee

University Paris 8



Claire LARSONNEUR is Senior Lecturer at TransCrit, University Paris 8, France. Her academic interests lie in the economics of translation and the digital ecosystem of translation, with a focus on neural translation. She is a member of SFT (Société française des traducteurs) and Humanistica.


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JOHN MILTON, Member of the IATIS Conference Committee

Universidade de São  Paulo, Titular Professor in Translation Studies



John Milton, Birmingham, UK, 1956, is Titular Professor at the Universidade de São Paulo in Translation Studies. He helped establish the Postgraduate Program in Translation Studies, and was the Program Coordinator for 2012-2016. Among publications are Agents of Translation, John Benjamins, 2009, ed. with Paul Bandia; and Tradition, Tension and Translation in Turkey (with Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar and Saliha Paker) (2015). He has also published articles in academic journals in Brazil and in Target and The Translator, as well as translating poetry from Portuguese to English. He has been Chair of the IATIS Bursary Committee for the last three conferences.


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Marlie van Rooyen

MARLIE VAN ROOYEN, Member of the IATIS Conference Committee

University of the Free State

South Africa


Marlie van Rooyen is senior lecturer in Translation Studies in the Department of Linguistics and Language Practice at the University of the Free State (UFS), Bloemfontein, South Africa. She also serves as the Programme Director for Language Practice at the UFS. Marlie successfully defended her PhD thesis in Translation Studies from KU Leuven (Belgium) in December 2019 with the topic “Tracing the translation of community radio news in South Africa: An actor-network approach”. She teaches translation theory and practice and is responsible for the supervision of postgraduate students in Translation Studies. Marlie also serves on the board of the Association of Translation Studies in Africa (ATSA) and on the editorial board of the Journal for Translation Studies in Africa (JTSA). Her main research interests are journalism and translation, the sociology of translation and non-professional interpreting and translation. Marlie is a trained radio journalist, translator, language editor and South African accredited simultaneous interpreter. 


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Past members of the committee




HIROKO COCKERILL, Member of the IATIS Conference Committee



Hiroko Cockerill has a background in Japanese language and literature (B.A. Hons from the       University of Aichi Prefecture). She subsequently developed an interest in Russian, her studies  including three years at the Tokyo Institute of Russian language, two years at the Pushkin Institute of Russian Language in Moscow and post-graduate studies at the University of Queensland. She emigrated to Australia in 1988, and began teaching and conducting research at the University of Queensland in 1991. In 2003 she was awarded her Ph.D. for a study of Futabatei Shimei's translations of Russian literature. She is continuing to develop her research interest in translation from Russian to Japanese.


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RITA KOTHARI, Member of the IATIS Conference Committee

Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar



Rita Kothari has been teaching literature and culture studies for twenty years. She was    associated with the English Department of St.Xavier's College, Ahmedabad, and joined the  Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad (MICA) from 2007 to 2011.   She has to her credit nine books and numerous articles published in many national and international journals. Her publications of note are Translating India: The Cultural Politics of English (St.Jerome Publishing, U.K), The Stepchhild (Oxford University Press), Speech and Silence : Literary Journeys by Gujarati Women (Zubaan Publishing), The Burden of Refuge : Sindh, Gujarat and Partition (Orient Blackswan), Decentring Translation Studies (John Benjamins) and  "Chutneyfying English : The Phenomenon of Hinglish."  She is currently finishing a manuscript on Banni, a border region in Gujarat. Recipient of several international awards and fellowships, Kothari gives keynote lectures on Indian society, literature and translation at many universities of repute. She is also a former Fulbright Lecturer and a jury member at many literary and translation events.  Kothari is currently with the Humanities Department at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar.


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CHARLES TIAYON, Member of the IATIS Conference Committee

University of Buea



Charles Tiayon is a Senior Lecturer of Translation and Terminology at the University of Buea, Cameroon, where he has also been serving as Deputy Director of the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI) since 2005 and Programme Coordinator for the Pan African University Programmes in Interpreting and Translation since 2013. His research interests and publications cover a wide range of areas. These include: corpus translation studies, corpus-based terminology and lexicography, translation sociology, translation curriculum and pedagogy, and interculturality, with special focus on authentic data from Africa. He also has many years of experience in second/foreign language teaching. Charles is a founding member of the Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters of Cameroon (APTIC). He is also founder of the Metaglossia news network on translation, interpretation and related issues.


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