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Contributions are invited for Hieronymus – Journal of Translation Studies and Terminology.  
Translation as a process of resistance, resilience and activism The case of Palestine and the broader Arab region
As a university assistant prae doc in the field of Interpreting Studies with a special focus on Dialogue Interpreting/Community Interpreting, you will join the research team of Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Sonja Pöllabauer. In total, two positions are to be filled. We expect you to successfully complete your doctoral thesis in…
We cordially invite you to the conference “Translation Culture(s) of the GDR” as a continuation of the conference “Translating in the GDR” that was held in Berlin in 2022. The conference will focus on the representation of one or more translation cultures (Prunč 2008) of the GDR, with the aim…
We are pleased to announce that the 4th International Congress of Language and Translation Studies will be held online on November 6th-7th-8th, 2024 in Konya, Türkiye, hosted by Selcuk University. The congress aims to bring together distinguished scholars and researchers studying linguistics, translation studies, SLA, culture studies, and foreign language…
Deadline for applications: 31 May 2024 For more information, click here.
Translation and Interpreting (T&I) Studies has increasingly recognized the cognitive approaches to language mediation as key to understand its intricacies and challenges.  Influenced by technologies such as speech recognition, machine translation and generative AI, the evolving workplace of the T&I profession is revolutionising the way translators and interpreters work today.…
Guest editors: Gianluca Pontrandolfo (University of Trieste)Carla Quinci (University of Padua) Legal Translation and Automation Many myths and deep concerns surround neural machine translation (NMT) and the role specialised translators play in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). The scary idea of ‘human parity’, i.e. the belief that NMT can…
Traditionally, translation (including interpreting) has been understood as an act of overcoming pre-existing linguistic and cultural differences. More recently, however, this understanding has been contested in Translation Studies. The idea that translation produces the differences it claims to overcome and that such differences can be regarded as effects of translation…
Location: Stirling Campus The Post The Faculty of Arts and Humanities is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Spanish and/or Latin American Studies (Teaching and Scholarship) at Grade 7. This is a part-time 0.8 fte, fixed term post for 24 months. The successful candidate will be able to coordinate and teach…
About the role The Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies (PoLIS) is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in French. You will contribute primarily to the teaching of our French language programme for undergraduate students. This will involve the teaching of modules on the ab initio programme as well as…
About the Congress The ever-changing landscape of the translation and interpreting industry and academic research has led in the past 10 years to translation taking place in different places, platforms and modalities. It has also led to a shift in the profile of the modern translator and interpreter, who are…
Transcultural Encounters: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Language, History, and Culture in a Global Society PGR Student-led Conference – Call for Papers Thursday 6th of June 2024, Cardiff University Language, history, and culture are the markers that both bring together and divide people, societies, and the world. Following the success of last…
Special Issue Editor(s) Şebnem Susam-Saraeva and Carolyn Shread Intersections between gender, feminism and environmental issues have been explored in Western scholarship for more than fifty years now, catalyzed by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962) and first named in French in Françoise d'Eaubonne’s neologism écoféminisme in Le Féminisme ou la mort (1974). Scholars have offered thought-provoking and thorough analyses…
APTIS 2024 is breaking the mould and turning itself into an unconference! An unconference is a primarily discussion-based event that follows a bottom-up approach and allows attendees to engage in active conversations about topics that are pertinent to them. We consider this format particularly pertinent for universities across APTIS and the sector. This new…
We welcome submissions of abstracts for individual papers, posters, and panels on a broad range of topics within this year’s framework, including but not limited to: Technological advancements in translation and interpreting Culture and society in translation and interpreting Pedagogy and training in translation and interpreting Theoretical and methodological advancements…
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