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Funding Opportunity

IATIS is committed to stimulating interaction among scholars in different geographical regions, particularly in regions where Translation Studies is still developing and gaining recognition. The Regional Workshops Committee of IATIS is pleased to invite proposals to host a Regional Workshop in 2025 or 2026. A small amount of funding is available (up to £750 for each workshop). Workshop organizers are expected to source further funding from local funding bodies and organizations to meet the total cost of the workshop if required.

Applications for workshop funding are reviewed and decisions made twice a year, with deadlines of 1 May and 1 November each year. We expect workshops to be held within six months to a year of the deadline. The deadline for proposals in the current round is 1 November 2024.

Conditions of funding:

  1. The organizers must be members of IATIS at the time of application.
  2. The organizers must prominently display IATIS name and logo in all promotional materials.
  3. The organizers must introduce the work of IATIS at the workshop and encourage participants to become members.
  4. The organizers must submit a full report of their workshop within 6 weeks of the end of the workshop. This report will be posted on the IATIS website.


How to apply:

To apply for funding to host an IATIS Workshop, the proposed organisers must submit a proposal that includes the following information:

  • Theme: A broad-based theme relating to translation studies and a statement on how the theme is relevant to the region.
  • Rationale: Please outline the rationale and added value of your workshop to the development of translation and intercultural studies in your region.
  • Format: Please state what kind of format you think will be most suitable to explore your workshop theme.
  • Dates: When is the workshop planned? Please note that the workshop should be held within approximately 6-12 months of the advertised closing date.
  • Participants: Expected number and background of attendees.
  • Funding: Please include a detailed breakdown of expected expenditure.
  • Language: What is the proposed workshop’s expected working language(s)? If more than one language is proposed, please outline how the organisers will ensure language parity and parity of access among participants. In line with IATIS’s goal of inclusivity and respect for different traditions, it is strongly recommended (but not mandatory) that workshops be conducted in English and one other regional language.
  • Future Plans: A statement on plans to sustain and develop the network the organisers create during the workshop.

Further information is provided in this list of Frequently Asked Questions.

IATIS Regional Workshops Committee members serve as the initial point of contact for those interested in organising a workshop. If you need assistance with your proposal or have one ready to submit, please do not hesitate to contact a Committee member. Once your proposal is complete, submit it to Dr Brigid Maher, Chair of the IATIS Regional Workshops Committee, or any other Committee member.

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