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IATIS Membership Committee


The main tasks of the Membership Committee are:

  • the efficient handling of new applications for membership, both individual and group
  • the efficient handling of renewals of existing memberships
  • the setting up of membership fees that are accessible to researchers all over the world
  • the expansion of the membership base: individual, group, in under-represented countries, with associations in neighboring disciplines, etc.
  • the creation of a list of scholars and institutions working in the fields of translation studies, intercultural studies (and other neighboring disciplines, such as comparative literature, anthropology, ethnography, etc.) in the members' countries
  • the implementation of a program for expanding the membership base
  • the assessment and enhancing of membership benefits, in consultation with the Executive Council.

The Committee reports to the IATIS Treasurer and to the Executive Council.



Joseph LambertJOSEPH LAMBERT, Chair of Membership Committee

Cardiff University

United Kingdom


Joseph Lambert is a Lecturer in Translation Studies at Cardiff University, having joined in September 2020. He holds a PhD and MA in Translation Studies from the University of Hull. His primary areas of research interest lie in the ethics of translation and translation industry studies, and his work sits at the interface between translation theory and practice. He has authored and co-authored a number of articles and book chapters relating to translation ethics, including several articles on codes of ethics, and is currently exploring the complex relationship between translation rates of pay, status, and regulation. Much of his research is designed with the aim of eliciting tangible impacts upon working practices and bridging the gap between academia and the translation industry, a link that is concretised by a background in professional translation.


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digiovanni-picELENA DI GIOVANNI, Membership Committee Member

University of Macerata


elena[dot]digiovanni[at]unimc[dot]it or digiovanni[at]sslmit[dot]unibo[dot]it

Elena Di Giovanni is a Lecturer in Translation at the University of Macerata, where she teaches specialized translation as well as audiovisual translation. She is a member of the teaching staff of the University of Bologna at Forlì (Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators), for an MA programme in Screen Translation. Her research areas include audiovisual translation (both dubbing and subtitling), translation for children and the role of language and translation in intercultural communication. She has published extensively on audiovisual translation and is the editor of Translation, Cultures and the Media, special issue of EJES (European Journal of English Studies, Routledge). She is working with Rosa Maria Bollettieri on an Italian anthology of culture-oriented translation studies (Oltre l'Occidente. Traduzione e Alterità Culturale) to be published in September 2008 by Bompiani.


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SehnazTahirGurcaglarŞEHNAZ TAHIR GÜRÇAĞLAR, Membership Committee Member

Boğaziçi University



Tahir-Gürçağlar has a PhD in Translation Studies and has been teaching translation and interpreting at Bogazici University since 1996. She is also a conference interpreter. She translated a number of works in social sciences, finance and literature most of which are published in book form. She has published articles on translation and culture, translation history and interpreting in Turkish and international publications.


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DrKimWallmachWLSActingDirectorKIM WALMACH, Membership Committee Member

Universidad of South Africa

South Africa


Dr Kim Wallmach teaches translation and interpreting at the Department of Linguistics, University of South Africa and is joint director of the BA degree programme in court interpreting (established in 2000). She also works as a freelance project manager for simultaneous and consecutive interpreting and translation in the eleven official languages of South Africa. Her current research interests include interpreting/translation and nation-building, translation/ interpreting and ideology, interpreting in legal and health contexts and corpus-based interpreting studies. She holds an MA and PhD in translation from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.


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katerina perdikakiHANNAH KLIMAS, Membership Committee Member

University of Leeds

United Kingdom


Hannah Klimas is a second-year PhD candidate at the Centre for Translation Studies (CTS) at the University of Leeds, UK. She studied German and Russian at the University of St Andrews before completing her MA in Translation Studies at Durham University. Her research examines the role of the translator in Anglophone staged productions of Russophone theatre. Her research interests include theatre translation, sociolinguistics, comparative literature, Germanic Studies and Slavonic Studies. She has also worked as a freelance translator, specialising in business, legal and medical translation.


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