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IATIS Executive Council

The governing body of IATIS is an elected Executive Council comprising:

  • The President;
  • The Two Vice-Presidents;
  • The Secretary/Treasurer;
  • The Chair of Executive Council;
  • The Committee Chairs;
  • Twelve to fifteen additional members.


Sue Ann Harding photo


Queen's University, Belfast

United Kingdom


Sue-Ann Harding is Professor in Translation ad Intercultural Studies at Queen’s University Belfast, where she is the Director of the Centre for Translation and Interpreting. She has a diverse research profile, using social narrative theory to investigate translation in a range of contexts, with a particular interest in sites of conflict and narrative contestation. She is the author of Beslan: Six Stories of the Siege (Manchester University Press, 2012) and has published on Qatar’s efforts to use institutional translation to cultivate a literary and culturally-engaged population; the translation of police interviews in South Africa; Arabic and Russian translations of Frantz Fanon’s writings; resonances between narrative and complexity theory; and translation processes in NGO development impact assessment research projects in Africa’s Sahel. Sue-Ann is co-editor (with Kathryn Batchelor) of Translating Frantz Fanon Across Continents and Languages (Routledge, 2017) and (with Ovidi Carbonell Cortés) of The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture (2018). She is Reviews Editor for The Translator, a member of the awards committee for The Martha Cheung Award for Best English Article in Translation Studies by an Early Career Scholar and on the International Advisory Board of the Baker Centre for Translation & Intercultural Studies at Shanghai International Studies University.



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JULIE BOÉRI, IATIS Co-Vice president

Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar


Julie Boéri holds a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies from the University of Manchester (UK). Before joining Hamad Bin Khalifa University, she was a lecturer in Interpreting at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) and in Communication Studies at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France). Her work focuses on social change and ascendant innovation in digital and non-digital environments with a particular interest in narrative convergence and divergence among actors and communities. Her ethnographic studies of interactions, practices and artefacts in social organizations and media spaces seek to account for the dynamics of dominance and resistance at play in cross-cultural and cross-linguistic communication encounters. She has extensively published in English, Spanish and French in Routledge and in academic journals such as The Translator, Questions de communication, Revue Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication. In her capacity as Chair of the international conferences committee of IATIS (International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies), she is in charge of developing translation solutions for IATIS international and itinerant academic conferences.

As a member of Babels (the international network of volunteer translators and interpreters), she has been interpreting and coordinating interpreting at various Social Forums throughout the world. She is the co-founder and co-organizer of the 1st International Forum on Translation/Interpreting and Social Activism (Granada, 2007) in collaboration with ECOS (Translators and Interpreters for Solidarity). She co-convened the panel on Interpreting and the social fabric at the 4th IATIS Conference (Belfast, 2012). 


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Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


Phrae Chittiphalangsri is Associate Professor at Chalermprakiat Center for Translation and Interpretation (CCTI), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, and acts as the chairperson of the center’s MA program. She was co-editor of New Voices in Translation Studies (2008-2012), and now serves on the journal’s advisory board. She was elected member of IATIS executive council in 2015 and goes on to be assigned the role of co-vice president in 2021. Phrae Chittiphalangsri has published articles on the role of translation in Orientalism, and Thai translation history in several international journals such as Translation Studies, Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies and The Translator. She is also a contributor of entries on Orientalism in Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, and Thai translation tradition in A World Atlas of Translation (2019). With Vicente Rafael, she co-edited Of Peninsulas and Archipelagos: the Landscape of Translation in Southeast Asia (forthcoming), the first of several projects planned to expand translation studies in Southeast Asia.



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Henry Jones

HENRY JONES, IATIS Secretary/Treasurer

University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Henry Jones is a lecturer in translation studies at the University of Manchester, UK. He is a co-coordinator of the Genealogies of Knowledge Research Network and co-editor of the Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media (2021). His current research interests include corpus-based translation studies, translation history, media theory and online translating communities.


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 Cristina_MarinettiCRISTINA MARINETTI, Chair of IATIS Executive Council

Cardiff University, United Kingdom


Cristina Marinetti is Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies at Cardiff University and Coordinator of the MA Translation Programme. She previously served as Assistant Professor, Warwick University, UK (2008-2012) and visiting professor at the Università Statale di Milano (2010-11). She was assistant editor and multilingual platform editor of Target (2010-2016).  

Her research interests combine translation and theatre and performance studies and it is comparative in nature and combines historical/cultural analysis with reflections on her own translation practice. She has written extensively on translation theory in relation to identity and performance (The TranslatorTranslation Studies), on the history of translation and reception of drama (Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan) and on the interface between translation theory and practice. She has also researched translation as a participatory practice and collaborated with community groups, the theatre and the arts world.



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 Kyunghye KimKYUNG HYE KIM,Executive Council Member

Chair International Conferences Committee

Dongguk University, South Korea


Kyung Hye KIM is Assistant Professor at Department of English Linguistics, Interpretation and Translation, Dongguk University, South Korea, and Deputy Director and co-founder of SISU Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Her academic interests lie in corpus-based translation studies, critical discourse analysis, and multilingualism in media translation. She is a member of the Genealogies of Knowledge Research Network and Oslo Medical Corpus project.



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Joseph LambertJOSEPH LAMBERT, Chair of Membership Committee

Cardiff University

United Kingdom


Joseph Lambert is a Lecturer in Translation Studies at Cardiff University, having joined in September 2020. He holds a PhD and MA in Translation Studies from the University of Hull. His primary areas of research interest lie in the ethics of translation and translation industry studies, and his work sits at the interface between translation theory and practice. He has authored and co-authored a number of articles and book chapters relating to translation ethics, including several articles on codes of ethics, and is currently exploring the complex relationship between translation rates of pay, status, and regulation. Much of his research is designed with the aim of eliciting tangible impacts upon working practices and bridging the gap between academia and the translation industry, a link that is concretised by a background in professional translation.


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Kyunghye KimKYUNG HYE KIM, Executive Council Member

Chair of Nominations Committee 

Dongguk University, South Korea


Kyung Hye KIM is Assistant Professor at Department of English Linguistics, Interpretation and Translation, Dongguk University, South Korea, and Deputy Director and co-founder of SISU Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Her academic interests lie in corpus-based translation studies, critical discourse analysis, and multilingualism in media translation. She is a member of the Genealogies of Knowledge Research Network and Oslo Medical Corpus project.



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Sabine Braun

DUNCAN POUPARD, Publications Committee Chair
Chinese University of Hong Kong, SAR Hong Kong


Duncan Poupard is Assistant Professor in the Department of Translation at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the translation of Chinese ethnic minority literature, specifically of the Naxi minority in southwest China. His primary interest is in furthering the recognition and revitalization of minority and endangered forms of writing, and he has worked with museums and libraries around the world, including the British Library and the Barcelona Museum of World Cultures, on the cataloguing and translation of Naxi manuscripts.  



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Brigid Maher

BRIGID MAHER, Executive Council Member

Chair Regional Workshop Committee 

La Trobe University, Australia


Brigid Maher is a literary translator and Senior Lecturer in Italian at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. She is the author of Recreation and Style: Translating Humorous Literature in Italian and English (Amsterdam: John Benjamins) and of numerous articles and book chapters on literary translation and Italian literature. She has translated novels by Milena Agus, Nicola Lagioia, Salvatore Striano, Massimo Donati and Bianca Pitzorno. Brigid’s research interests include the translation of humour, irony and satire; the translation and circulation of crime fiction; and transnational writing.


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MARIJA TODOROVA, Executive Council Member

Chair of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

University American College Skopje/Hong Kong Baptist University

North Macedonia/SAR Hong Kong 


Maria Todorova has worked as a translator/interpreter of English and Macedonian since 1998 for many national and international organizations and participated in the translation of the acquis communautaire in North Macedonia. She was awarded the National Translation Prize and the Winter Book Fair Translation Award for her translations of children’s literature. She is the co-editor of Interpreter Training in Conflict and Post Conflict Scenarios (Routledge 2023) and Interpreting Conflict: A Comparative Framework (Palgrave 2021) and author of The Translation of Violence in Children’s Literature: Images from the Western Balkans (Routledge 2022). She is one of the editor of New Voices in Translation Studies and guest co-editor with Kobus Marais of Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies. Currently, she is Research Assistant Professor at HKBU and Adjunct Associate Professor at UACS.


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NANA SATO-ROSSBERG, Executive Council Member

Chair of the IATIS Training Committee

University of London, United Kingdom


Nana Sato-Rossberg is Chair of the SOAS Centre for Translation Studies and Lecturer in Translation Studies at SOAS, University of London. Her expertise is cultural translation, with a focus on Japanese and East Asian contexts. She is specifically interested in translation and orality, intergeneric translation, translation and power, and the history of Translation Studies in Japan. Her recent publications includes: 'Translating Kamui-gaiden: Intergeneric Translation from Manga to Live Action Film.' (2015) In: Multiple Translation Communities in Contemporary Japan (Routledge, eds. Beverley Curran, Nana Sato-Rossberg, Kikuko Tanabe); Translation and Translation Studies in the Japanese Context (2012), co-edited with Judy Wakabayashi (Bloomsbury Publishing); and 'Conflict and dialogue — Bronisław Piłsudski and the translation of Ainu oral narratives.' (2012) Translation Studies, 5 (1).


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 MAHMOUDMahmoud ALHIRTHANI, Executive Council Member

Alqsa University

Gaza, Palestine


Mahmoud Al-Hirthani is a researcher in translation studies. He teaches translation at graduate level, and is also a prolific translator and reviewer in Arabic and English, dealing with
legal, commercial but mostly literary texts. He obtained my PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies from the University of Manchester (UK) in 2009 and over the last 12 years he has kept deepening expanding his research on the ways in which translation can be used by translators and third parties to champion particular agendas or narratives related
to language, culture, ideology and sociopolitics. In addition to teaching, supervising and assessing students’ work at undergraduate and graduate level, he has fulfilled many administrative roles. He was the deputy head of the department of English at Alaqsa University (2010/2011), then the head of the same department (2018/2019) where he catered for 25 colleagues and some 1000 undergraduate students. He is often solicited to be a member of research and hiring committees. This strong institutional experience is coupled with a thriving academic life as he regularly gives workshops, participate in conferences and academic associations (IATIS, the Association for University Professors). He was also a member of his town council for one year (2015).


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 JAN BUTSJan ButsExecutive Council Member

Boğaziçi University, Turkey


Jan Buts is an assistant professor at Boğaziçi University’s Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, a member of IndirecTrans, and a co-coordinator of the Genealogies of Knowledge Research Network. He works at the intersections of translation theory, conceptual history, corpus linguistics and online media.



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DEBORAH GIUSTINIDeborah GisutiniExecutive Council Member

KU Leuven, Belgium


Deborah Giustini works on the front line of teaching, research, practice and policy; she understands these issues through direct experience. As a Postdoctoral Fellow at KU Leuven she researches transnational issues of language access and provision; employment relations and regulation in the language industry, particularly interpreting; digitalization and inequalities in the sector. As a conference and community interpreter since 2013, she has worked closely with public service actors, private organizations and EU institutions to bridge barriers. Since 2018, she has played a dedicated role in policy-making, advocacy and communications leveraging her research and practice as a member of the UK Women’s Budget Group’s Macroeconomic Policy, the Economic Change Unit and the University of Manchester Policy Bootcamps. As a British Sociological Association member, she has served to highlight the politics of interpreting, as more evident in this COVID-19 crisis. As a Council Member, she aims to engage in the challenge of continuing to build resources for collective work across areas of mutual concern.


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YOUNGMIN KIM, Executive Council Member

Dongguk University Seoul/ Hangzhou Normal University

Korea/ China


Youngmin Kim has received his Ph. D. in English at the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1991. Currently he is distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature at Dongguk University and founding Director of Institute of Trans Media World Literature and Director of Digital Humanities Lab; and Jack Ma Chair Professor at College of International Studies, Hangzhou Normal University, China. He is currently executive council member of ICLA (International Comparative Literature Association), IATIS (International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies), and IAELC; vice-president of KADH (Korean Association of Digital Humanities), editorial supervisor of JELL, chair of international affairs committee of KEASTWEST (Korean Association of East-West Comparative Literature), editor-in-chief of the journal of  KEASTWEST; and editorial board member of CLCWeb, Foreign Literature Studies, Journal of International Yeats Studies, Journal of New Techno Humanities.

Previously in Korea, he served as President of The William Butler Yeats Society of Korea, The Jacques Lacan & Contemporary Psychoanalysis Society of Korea, ELLAK (English Language and Literature Association of Korea), as the Editor-in-chief of Journal of English Language and Literature (JELL); Internationally, as the vice president of IASIL(International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures) & IAELC (International Association of Ethical Literary Criticism); as advisory committee member of CISLE (Center for International Study for Literatures in English-Innsbruch University) and IWL (Institute of World Literature-Harvard University).

 His research is focused on English literature, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies, World Literature, Trans Media, Digital Humanities, Technology in the Humanities. He has been the principal investigator of NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) Projects of transnationalism and cultural translation; aesthetics and ethics of the convergence of world literature, trans media, digital humanities, and humanities in technology.


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Haidee Kotze

HAIDEE KOTZE, Executive Council Member

Utrecht University, The Netherlands


Haidee Kotze has had the privilege of collaborating with colleagues from diverse areas in translation studies, linguistics, digital humanities and literary studies. These collaborations have not only allowed her to be part of a scholarly network across Africa, Australia, Asia, and Europe, but has afforded me opportunities to better understand the rich and complex disciplinary fabric of translation studies, and its intersections with other disciplines. Her role as (co-)editor of Target stands out among these experiences. Beyond this, she serves on diverse editorial boards, for journals like Across Languages and Cultures and Journal for Translation Studies in Africa, and book series like Language, Data Science and Digital Humanities and Cambridge Elements of Translation and Interpreting. She is a board member of the Expertise Centre for Literary Translation, and has been an international staff member of the CETRA Summer School at KU Leuven since 2018. She is a member of the organising committee of the research network INTERACT (‘Towards an interdisciplinary language contact framework’) (2020-2024), and a member of the TREC network. She has been on the scientific or organising committee of 16 conferences, including EST, UCCTS, IATIS, and others, and have co-convened workshops at conferences like ICAME, ISLE, EST and ICL.


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CLAIRE LARSONNEUR, Executive Council Member

University Paris 8, France


Claire Lasonneur is Senior Lecturer at TransCrit, University Paris 8, France. Her academic interests lie in the economics of translation and the digital ecosystem of translation, with a focus on neural translation. She is a member of SFT (Société française des traducteurs) and Humanistica.



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Maialen Marin-Lacarta

MAIALEN MARIN-LACARTA, Executive Council Member

Open University of Catalonia, Spain


Maialen Marin-Lacarta is Senior Researcher in the Department of Arts and Humanities at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona). Prior to joining UOC, she was Assistant Professor in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, teaching courses on translation, Chinese literature, intercultural studies, digital publishing and the global circulation of literatures, and supervising Honours Projects, MA students and PhD students. She also served as Research Postgraduate admissions coordinator, screening PhD applications, and as a member of the taskforce for the organisation of the 6th IATIS conference. In 2019, Marin-Lacarta received the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance as Young Researcher at HKBU. She is also the awardee of the Jokin Zaitegi Basque National Award for her translation of Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan’s work into Basque, and the recipient of two General Research Fund grants by the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (as Principal Investigator) and two Spanish government-funded grants (as Co-Investigator). Marin-Lacarta’s research areas include literary translation, modern and contemporary Chinese literature, literary reception, translation history, indirect translation, research methodologies and digital publishing. Her publications have appeared in journals such as Translation Studies, The Translator, Meta, and Perspectives. She is also the author of the entry on research methodologies in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (2019, Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha eds.). She has been academic referee for Target, Translation Studies and Meta, among other journals, and is the co-editor of 1611: A Journal of Translation History. She is a member of the Peer College for the Martha Cheung Award for Best Academic Article in Translation Studies by an Early Career Scholar.


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Sarah McDonagh

SARAH MCDONAGH, Executive Council Member

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain


Sarah McDonagh is a postdoctoral researcher at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in Spain. She holds a PhD from Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Sarah has experience working with the digital archive The Prisons Memory Archive in Northern Ireland to create descriptive guides of the controversial prison of the Maze and Long Kesh. Sarah’s principal research interests are in media accessibility, particularly subjects related to accessibility of digital heritage, which includes access facilities such as audio description, touch tours, British and Irish sign language interpreting, and captioning for the Deaf and hard of hearing.

Sarah has been involved in the EU-funded Accessibility, Culture and Training (ACT) project, in collaboration with various partners across the UK and leading institutions in Europe. She has also worked with the Prisons Memory Archive to design accessible content for people of varying sensory abilities, as well as address key ethical considerations regarding heritage management and preservation. She is currently involved in the H2020 GreenSCENT project, working as part of an international team to engage people with environmental issues in their local area through the development of accessible applications and digital platforms. 


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ROBERT NEATHER, Executive Council Member

Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong


Over more than 20 years, Robert Neather has been committed to teaching and research in the TS field, and have held various positions of responsibility: for the past eight years, he has been Head of the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies (known prior to 2019 as the Translation Programme) at HKBU and is now intohis ninth year in the post. He was Director of the Centre for Translation at HKBU for six years until 2019, and Director of the Translation Research Summer School (TRSS) for the five years it ran at HKBU. He was responsible for leading the 6th IATIS Conference team and for overall delivery of that conference when it was held at HKBU in 2018. He was elected to the IATIS Executive Council in the 2015 election, and has been been actively involved in the capacity of council member since then. Other experience includes long service as an Editor of the Hong Kong-based journal Translation Quarterly, and various editorial board memberships over the years including journals such as Meta and The Translator. He is also a UN-certified translator, having passed the UN exams in 2009, and has continued to maintain links with the professional translation community. 


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LOREDANA POLEZZI, Executive Council Member

Stony Brook University

New York, USA


Loredana Polezzi is the Alfonse M. D’Amato Endowed Chair in Italian American and Italian Studies housed in Stony Brook University's Department of European Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Honorary Professor of Translation Studies, Cardiff University, UK. She was previously Associate Professor and Reader in Italian Studies, University of Warwick, UK; and Honorary Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

Loredana’s work concentrates on multiple forms of mobility, their history, their representation and theorization. Her recent work focuses on diasporic Italian cultures (especially Italian American and Italian Australian cultural production) and on multilingual education in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Loredana has published monographs, textbooks, edited volumes, translations, and articles in leading journals and collections, and is one of the editors of the ‘Transnational Modern Languages Series’ and co-editor of Transnational Italian Studies (2020) and Transcultural Italies: Mobility, Memory and Translation (2020).

A Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, Loredana is a previous President of IATIS (2017-21). She serves as a member of the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Peer Review College and of its Strategic Overseas Development Aid College. She is currently co-editor with Rita Wilson of the leading international journal The Translator.


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GABRIELA SALDANHA, Executive Council Member

University of Oslo, Norway


Gabriela Saldanha is a research associate at the University of Oslo’s Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE), she is working on the development of the Oslo Medical Corpus and, within the context of the EquityAMR project, on the analysis of global and local policies to understand how they contribute to knowledge and practices affecting the global crisis in antimicrobial resistance. She has published extensively on translation stylistics and is currently writing about the intersection between translation and the arts in her forthcoming monograph Literary Translation: A Performance Art. She is co-editor, with Mona Baker, of the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (2020) and co-author, with Sharon O’Brien, of Research Methodologies in Translation Studies.


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Rafael Schogler

RAFAEL SCHÖGLER, Executive Council Member

University of Graz, Austria


  • Rafael Schögler is used to working in multilingual and transdisciplinary research and teaching environments in the fields of translation studies and sociology, both on a project-basis and at a large department of Translation Studies. From this vantage-point he has engaged with academics, students (BA, MA, PhD) and publics interested in a variety of topics related to translation, translation policy and the history of translation. As (potential) member of the executive council of IATIS he will be able to draw on his experience as member of various committees at the faculty and department level, but also uses past experiences in organizing on- and offline events in the field of Translation Studies. He has published in anthologies, journals and monographs in fields such as history of translation, translation theory and knowledge translation, but also sociology of intellectuals and the sociology of social sciences and humanities. Further, his experience as reviewer for journals, awards and publishers in the field of Translation Studies as well as experience in acquiring (competitive) funding for events, publications and research projects might be of relevance for IATIS as well.


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Stefania TavianoSTEFANIA TAVIANO, Executive Council Member

University of Messina, Italy


As an Associate Professor of English Language and Translation, Stefania Taviano has been in charge of several intercultural exchanges, such as Erasmus programmes between the University of Messina and British universities, including Warwick, Oxford, Birmingham and, more recently, Cardiff University. Between 2005 and 2015 she was a member of the Centre for Integrative Mediterranean Studies (CIMS) resulting from the collaboration between Messina University, Cordoba University and Virginia Commonwealth University. The CIMS offered the opportunity to collaborate to scholars and students involved in research and teaching projects focusing on intercultural studies in the Mediterranean. As well as teaching and carrying out research in translation and interpreting, she has acquired experience a professional translator and interpreter since 1998 in various fields. Among other things, she has acted as a professional interpreter for Mediterranean writers during international literary festivals, such as Sabirfest, Sicily, for the Nobel laureate and peace activist Betty Williams during the Horcynus Festival, Sicily, for Patch Adams during seminars at the University of Rome and L’Aquila and for the Nobel Laureate Dario Fo and Franca Rame, with whom she also collaborated during their US tour.


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Patrick ZabalbeascoaPATRICK ZABALBAESCOA, Executive Council Member

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Barcelona, Spain


Patrick Zabalbaescoa has been in contact with IATIS since 2015 when he reviewed a large number of abstracts for the Belo Horizonte Conference. This year (and last year, of course) he was the Chair of the Local Organising Committee for IATIS 2021, hosted in hybrid format in Barcelona. He has directed several other international conferences and research projects. He regularly does peer review work for a number of leading translation journals (Babel, Meta, Target, JAT, among others) and book reviews for publishers such as Routledge and John Benjamins. What he enjoys most is teaching and mentoring students at all university levels.



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Cornelia ZwischenbergerCORNELIA ZWISCHENBERGER, Executive Council Member

University of Vienna, Austria


Cornelia Zwischenberger is full Professor and Chair in Transcultural Communication at the Viennese Centre for Translation Studies. Prior to that she held a professorship in Translation Studies at the University of Graz. Both positions have given her a lot of opportunities to be involved in committee work. She thinks this kind of experience is very helpful for the work of a council member of IATIS. At the University of Graz, for example, she was deputy chair of an appointment committee for a new professorship. Furthermore, she was member of two curricular commissions. At the Viennese Centre for Translation studies she is also member of the curricular conference and key member of the Centre’s Conference which is a counselling committee to the Centre’s dean and deputy deans. She is also co-editor of the scholarly series “TranskulturalitätTranslation-Transfer” with the publishing house Frank & Timme in Berlin. She is also member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Interpreting and Society” with SAGE. At the Viennese Centre she also runs her own research group. She thinks these experiences as well as my broad academic orientation and having published widely in translation, interpreting and transcultural communication make me confident that she could bring a lot of new impetus to IATIS.

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