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Social Media and Outreach Committee


The main tasks of the Social Media and Outreach Committee are:

  • the creation of an online interactive IATIS community where members can promote their interests
  • the efficient management of the IATIS website
  • the active presence of IATIS on social media so that news and activities are disseminated all over the world
  • the identification of appropriate news items, events and announcements to be hosted on the website and social media
  • the investigation of ways in which online presence for IATIS and its members can be increased
  • the creation of an online newsletter devoted to latest news, events and announcements to be sent to IATIS members regularly

The Committee reports to the IATIS Executive Council.





MARIJA TODOROVA, Chair of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

Hong Kong Baptist University and University American College Skopje

Hong Kong and North Macedonia


Maria Todorova has worked as a translator/interpreter of English and Macedonian since 1998 for many national and international organizations and participated in the translation of the acquis communautaire in North Macedonia. She was awarded the National Translation Prize and the Winter Book Fair Translation Award for her translations. She is the author of The Translation of Violence in Children’s Literature: Images from the Western Balkans (Routledge 2022). Dr Todorova is editor of New Voices in Translation Studies. She is research assistant professor at Hong Kong Baptist University.


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Li-Wen ChangLI-WEN CHANG, Member of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong


Li-Wen Chang is a Senior Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). Her research interests include interpreting studies, social semiotics, multimodality, and social media. She is also a practising translator, specializing in the translation of literature, religion, and spirituality. She translated dozens of books from English into Chinese, including The Hand That First Held Mine, A Secret Kept, Rose, Proof of Heaven, Small Miracles, The Monks and Me, etc.



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QIPENG GAO, Member of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

Cardiff University, United Kingdom


Qipeng Gao (he/him) is a final-year PhD researcher in School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University. His research focuses mainly on videogame localisation and its quality assessment, especially from a storytelling perspective. He holds a Bachelor degree in Translation and Interpreting, and a Master degree in Translation Studies. He has also worked as a freelance translator since 2018, with a particular interest in literary and sci-fi translation. He has published several translations of works by American, Canadian and Czech authors on Chinese sci-fi and literary magazines.



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BANDAR ALTALIDI, Member of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia


Bandar is an assistant professor at the College of Languages and Translation, at King Khalid University. He has an MA degree in translation from the University of Leicester and has recently been awarded a PhD in translation from Cardiff University. His research interest includes the sociology of translation, audiovisual transition, non-professional subtitling (fansubbing) and digital translation on social media. Since 2016, Bandar has been volunteering and participating in translation projects and tasks such as Translators without Borders and subtitling various clips. He is also a certified literary agent in Saudi Arabia and translates scientific and technical material. He has recently translated The Myth of Artificial Intelligence, by Erik Larson, into Arabic.



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ABDULLAH ALQARNI, Member of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia


Abdullah Alqarni, an assistant professor at the College of Arts and Letters, University of Bisha, is a certified literary agent and a member of the Saudi Association of Translation (SATA). He holds a PhD in Translation Studies from Cardiff University, awarded in 2024, and an MA from the University of Leicester, obtained in 2017. His research interests include the sociology of translation, translation history, translation bibliographies, institutional translation, and the translation of self-help literature. He has shared his insights at notable conferences including IATIS 2021 in Barcelona, TRAK2021 in Córdoba, and the Summer School Translation in History 2021 in Vienna. Recently, he secured funding for multiple research projects from the Literature, Publishing & Translation Commission in Saudi Arabia. Currently, he oversees various translation and literary projects and is translating Bernard Marr’s ‘Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World’ into Arabic.



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