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Useful Links to Translation and Intercultural Resources


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ERMES_AL_ITQAN_OnineThe Translation Studies Portal provides a forum for translation scholars and students in the Arabic-speaking world, Iran and Turkey. Its mission is to contribute to capacity building in the region in the area of translation and interpreting studies. Towards this end, it provides a range of resources and links which are updated regularly.

This initiative is made possible thanks to a grant from the British Academy. Although the portal has a particular focus on the Arab World, Iran and Turkey, many of the resources available on the site will be of interest to scholars of translation and interpreting worldwide.


Translation_Studies_Portal_banner_lo_resThe Routledge Translation Studies Portal offers a wide range of resources to support scholarly and pedagogical work in the field, including video and audio interviews and lectures, sample chapters from key publications, exercises, glossaries, links, and a variety of other material.




The Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship is part of a global Bible Society fellowship in service to the American Bible Society and its constituents in the areas of academic research, educational programs and resources, and Bible translation. Serving as a repository for Bible and Bible-related resources, and promoting and supporting engagement with Scripture, the Nida Institute partners with the Church, the Academy, and the Bible Society fellowship.

The Nida Institute works in Bible translation through training, education, assessment, grants, and research. It provides content standards and review processes for ABS products and services; develops Scripture-based educational programs and content for home, school, church, and community; and carries responsibility for managing ABS's historic Library and Archives.




The International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI) has been created by a group of professional language mediators as a vehicle for promoting ethical practices in their profession, as a venue in which to establish a dialog, without censorship and without conflicts of interest, with the aim of promoting effective professional ethics.



House of Translation Logo


The House of Translation is a joint collaborative initiative between the National Center for Translation of the Ministry of Culture in Egypt and the Center for Translation Studies at the American University in Cairo. It was launched in October 2011 and is anchored in the history of a region that has been and continues to be a crossroads for different cultures and civilizations and a hub for translation and the transfer of knowledge. It is from this historically privileged position that The House of Translation can and must aspire to a global role in the future of translation studies.




Aslia_LogoThe Interpreter Trainers' Network is a professional association for sign language interpreter trainers. The Network provides interpreter trainers with formal and informal opportunities for collegial support. ITN membership is open to Deaf and hearing educators, trainers and mentors. Prospective ITN members must be members of the Australian Sign Language Interpreters’ Association in order to be eligible for full ITN membership.


Associations and Professional Organisations


American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association (ATISA)

American Translators Association

American Literary Translators Association

Asociación Colombiana de traductores e intérpretes

Asociación de traductores e intérpretes de catalunya

Asociación de traductores e intérpretes de Monterrey

Asociación de traductores galegos

Asociación de traductores públicos e intérpretes de la provincia de Buenos Aires

Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (AEITI)

Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence

Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti

Bundesverband der Übersetzer und Dolmetscher e.V.

CEATL (European Council of Literature Translators Associations)

Centre for Translation & Textual Studies (Dublin City University)

CETRA: Leuven Research Centre for Translation, Communication and Cultures

European Society for Translation Studies

FIT: International Federation of Translators/Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs


Institute for the Classical Tradition, Boston University

Institute of Translation and Interpreting, UK

The Irish Translators' & Interpreters' Association

Japan Association of Translators

Korean Society for Conference Interpretation

The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators

Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

SIL International (formerly Summer Institute of Linguistics)

Société Française des Traducteurs

UNESCO's Clearing House for Literary Translation


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Journals, Magazines and Other Resources


Across Languages and Cultures


Cadernos de Tradução

Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (China)

El Doblaje

Hermeneus:  Revista de Traducción e Interpretación 


Intralinea: University of Bologna

JosTrans: Journal of Specialised Translation

Language International


Linguistica Antverpiensia

META: Journal des Traducteurs/Translator's Journal, Canada


MTM Translation Journal

Renditions (Journal of Chinese Literature & Culture)


The Interpreter and Translator Trainer

The Translator


Translation: Computation, Corpora, Cognition (Open Access)

Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS)

Translation Quarterly (Journal of Hong Kong Translation Society)

Translation Review

Translation Studies Abstracts

TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction

Tusaaji: A Translation Review


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Publisher of Approaches to Translation Studies

John Benjamins
Publishes Benjamins Translation Library series and journals including Target, Interpreting and Terminology

Multilingual Matters

Publisher of Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies and the Translation Studies Reader

The Chinese University Press

Editorial Ariel

Eumo Editorial

Pluto Press

Read 28764 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 January 2024 15:05

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