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Edward Clay

This innovative book takes the concept of translation beyond its traditional boundaries, adding to the growing body of literature which challenges the idea of translation as a primarily linguistic transfer.

To gain a fresh perspective on the work of translation in the complex processes of meaning-making across physical, social and cultural domains (conceptualized as translationality), Piotr Blumczynski revisits one of the earliest and most fundamental senses of translation: corporeal transfer. His study of translated religious officials and translated relics reframes our understanding of translation as a process creating a sense of connection with another time, place, object or person. He argues that a promise of translationality animates a broad spectrum of cultural, artistic and commercial endeavours: it is invoked, for example, in museum exhibitions, art galleries, celebrity endorsements, and the manufacturing of musical instruments. Translationality offers a way to reimagine the dynamic entanglements of matter and meaning, space and time, past and present.

This book will be of interest to students and scholars in translation studies as well as related disciplines such as the history of religion, anthropology of art, and material culture.

For more information, click here.

This is the first handbook to focus on translation theory, based on an innovative and expanded definition of translation and on the newest perspectives in the field of Translation Studies.

With an introductory overview explaining the rationale, a part on foundational issues and three further parts on object translation, representamen translation and interpretant translation, the handbook provides a critical overview of conceptual approaches to translation which can contribute to our understanding of translational phenomena in the broadest sense. Authored by leading international figures, the handbook covers a wide range of theories and approaches from ecological and biosemiotic approaches to philosophical and cultural approaches, and from computational sciences to anthropology.

The Routledge Handbook of Translation Theory and Concepts is both an essential reference guide for advanced students, researchers and scholars in translation and interpreting studies, and it is an enlightening guide to future developments in the field.

For more information, click here.

The contributions in this volume are a reflection of the entire range of Interpreting Studies, from explorations of research methodology and interpreting quality research to public service interpreting today and in the past, risk management strategies in court interpreting, and the interdependencies of interpreters in project networks. They address questions such as who can be called an interpreter, present new approaches to interpreter education, and discuss advances in technology, both in terms of speech-to-text interpreting and the changes that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the lives of interpreters.

The breadth of this volume’s topics reflects the oeuvre of Franz Pöchhacker, who has left his mark on Interpreting Studies over more than three decades. This tribute not only reflects the many strands of his work, but also offers new research and insights by established scholars and young researchers in the ever growing field of Interpreting Studies.

For more information, click here

A fixed-term 100 % position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Humanities and Education, as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow affiliated to the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, for a period of three years. The position is located at the University of Agder’s Kristiansand campus. The starting date is the 8th of January 2024.

The person who is hired will contribute to a research project within the Experimental Linguistics Research Group and its associated laboratory (ELL) run by Prof. Linda Wheeldon and Prof. Allison Wetterlin.  The research project will be run in collaboration with Dr. Katrien Segaert (School of Psychology, University of Birmingham).

The research will employ speech analysis techniques to investigate proficiency in spoken language production in terms of utterance complexity and spoken fluency. A core aspect of the research will be to assess the impact of both healthy ageing and bilingualism across measures of language proficiency. To address these issues, the project will be exploiting a large and rich speech-dataset collected during the FAB project. The dataset comprises natural speech from a picture description task (see OSF project: A large group of participants (approximately 340) produced short descriptions these pictures. They were diverse in terms of age (20-85), socio-economic status, education level and ethnicity, and included both monolingual English speakers, and Norwegian-English bilinguals who described different scenes in each of their languages. For each speaker there are objective measures of language proficiency, non-linguistic cognitive processes, and also detailed information about the bilinguals’ language profile.

Deadline for applications: 15 June 2023

For more information, click here

Amid a massive wave of digitisation and the development of digital methods, many millions of pages from periodicals have recently begun to become truly accessible to scholarship, establishing an archival foundation for wide-ranging research questions which had previously been difficult to ask, and nearly impossible to answer. An upsurge of scholarly interest in periodicals, magazines, newspapers and reviews has resulted. However, even as research has been decisively reconfigured, the numerous acts of direct and indirect cultural translation that composed and defined periodicals have remained underexplored. Such neglect ignores the centrality of translated content to the cultural impact of periodicals, and to the generation and (re)composition of publishable matter. This neglect is even more striking for para-literary texts; that is, commercial, popular, or genre fiction, serialised fiction, or criticism which exert tremendous cultural force but generally remains understudied.

This thematic issue of Perspectives attempts to turn the page on this double hiatus, forging links between translation and periodical studies in order to examine para-literary periodical translations. The issue particularly hopes to bring together a series of papers that proceed from focused case studies to broader methodological and conceptual conversations. Its aim is to consider a range of approaches on a wide cross-section of languages and periods; seizing on the momentum of the transnational and medial turn, its specific interest is in (1) defining periodicals as transnational print media ecologies to examine their interaction with other media forms, as well as the materiality of publishing translations in periods of scissors-and-paste journalism and the use of syndicated content; (2) considering the sociability and complexly multiple authorship, in particular in regard to translation, that is key to understand the periodical’s dynamics within a wider web of social institutions; and (3) investigating translation in low- and middle-brow periodicals that make up the bulk of periodical output. The key question which this volume seeks to ponder is whether periodical translation can be argued to have distinct qualities that distinguish the practice from other forms of translation.

Suggested topics for papers include:

  • theoretical contributions, defining translation in periodicals and sharpening terminology
  • methodological contributions, in particular focusing on Digital Humanities tools for Translation Studies research
  • transnational networks and periodicals
  • the limits of the transnational paradigm
  • translation as cultural mediation in periodicals
  • visual analyses of translation in periodicals
  • in/visibility of translation and translators in periodicals
  • migrant/diaspora periodicals
  • translation in children’s magazines
  • archival examinations of editorial practices
  • sociology of translation, identifying translators and other actors involved in periodical publishing
  • translators’ periodicals and translation discourse in periodicals
  • translational and localization practices of comics
  • transnational periodicals as furnishers of content for local or regional periodicals
  • syndicated fiction
  • readers’ responses to translation (readers’ letters etc.)

Deadline for abstracts: 1 September 2023

For more information, click here

The post of Lecturer in Spanish will be to support the delivery of modules in both Spanish language and Spanish and Latin American culture, literature, history or society. Language teaching will range from beginners’ classes to final year Advanced classes, including translation into and out of Spanish. The successful candidate will have native or near native expertise in written and oral Spanish language and English language. Ability to contribute to teaching on the MA in Translation Studies would be an advantage. There may be the opportunity of offering your own research-led module from the second year of the post.

About you

For a Lecturer post you will:

  • Possess sufficient breadth or depth of specialist and core knowledge in the discipline, demonstrated by a PhD (or nearing completion) or equivalent in Spanish to develop teaching programmes, and teach and support learning;
  • Use a range of delivery techniques to enthuse and engage students;
  • Participate in and develop external networks, for example, to contribute to student recruitment, secure student placements, facilitate outreach work, generate income, obtain consultancy projects, or build relationships for future activities;
  • Will have evidence of excellent teaching identified by peer review and have made an impact at discipline programme level beyond their own teaching;
  • Be expected to work towards Fellow of the HEA status and to attend formal CPD relating to this.

Deadline for applications: 25 May 2023

For more information, click here

The practice of mediated or indirect translation has a long-standing history and for centuries a large corpus of literature – both literary and technical has been made available to a much wider audience through translation from an intermediary language. Yet, translation scholars have traditionally paid little attention to the concept of mediated or indirect translation regarding it as a poor quality and second-rate form of translation. It was only in the second half of the 20th century that the concept of indirect translation grew in popularity and became the focus of linguistic research. The role of mediated translation is pivotal since it enables to disseminate authors’ voices from and to every stretch of the globe. Nowadays, due to globalization, the practice of indirect translation is widely applied in cross-cultural communication. The majority of international organizations adopt it, where a large number of working languages often results in drafting documents via the linguae francae - English these days or some other mediating languages.

The main aim of the conference is to provide a platform for discussion on a broad spectrum of issues pertaining to the concept of mediated translation. We invite specialists in the areas of literature, linguistics, translation studies, pedagogy as well as cultural studies to participate in the event. We are open to a wide range of approaches and would welcome researchers specializing in various types of discourse – from literary, historical, social and political discourse, to specialist, professional and other.

This conference aims to address a multiplicity of issues, including, but not limited to the following: 
Literary Translation
Translation of Scientific Literature 
Textbook Translation
Machine and Audio-Visual Translation 
Conference Interpreting 
Subtitling and dubbing

We hope that the conference will offer the opportunity to examine the latest findings in the field, as well as share ideas, inspirations and methodological approaches, with a view to contributing to the continuous development of the broad area of Translation Studies. 

Deadline for abstracts: 1 June 2023

For more information, click here

Le colloque international Le français parlé dans les médias a été inauguré en 2005 par des chercheurs et chercheuses du Département de français et d’italien de l’Université de Stockholm. Quatre éditions ont suivi : Québec 2007, Lausanne 2009, Montpellier 2013 et Birmingham 2015. Après une pause de près de huit ans, le colloque revient à Québec et est organisé par des membres du Laboratoire de recherche sur les communautés de pratiques langagières (COPRAL) et du Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur le français en usage au Québec (CRIFUQ), conjointement avec la Chaire pour le développement de la recherche sur la culture d'expression française en Amérique du Nord (CEFAN). 


Cette nouvelle édition du colloque aborde les enjeux sociaux reliés aux pratiques langagières dans les formats médiatiques oraux associés au divertissement et les relations complexes entre ces derniers et les publics auxquels ils s’adressent. Si la langue de l’information est relativement bien étudiée sous l’angle d’une norme endogène dans des régions de la francophonie telles que le Québec (p.ex. Cox 1998; Reinke 2005; Martel et al. 2010; Chalier 2018, 2021, ou encore Remysen 2010 pour une perspective aménagiste), on ne peut pas dire la même chose des formats médiatiques oraux associés au divertissement qui se caractérisent par une plus grande diversité de pratiques langagières. D’un côté, on y observe des productions où le poids de la norme standard, souvent associée au français des Parisiens cultivés, continue à se faire sentir. C’est notamment le cas des films doublés où des productions dans un français « normatif » (terme employé par le milieu) sont encore la règle, et ceci dans plusieurs régions de la francophonie, tout en faisant réagir certaines personnes qui souhaiteraient plutôt reconnaître leur propre culture dans leurs produits (Reinke et Ostiguy 2019; Reinke et al. 2023). De l’autre côté, certaines productions semblent laisser libre cours aux pratiques non standardisées, par exemple les émissions de téléréalité, ce qui fait également réagir. À titre d’exemple, une étude récente à propos de l’émission de téléréalité québécoise Occupation double démontre que les pratiques langagières des candidates et candidats qui s’écartent de la norme standard sont l’objet de vifs discours épilinguistiques dans la sphère médiatique et entraînent chez les participantes et participants un sentiment de honte, voire d’insécurité linguistique (Blais et Reinke 2022). Quels que soient les choix langagiers faits par les équipes de production, ils ne sont pas sans conséquences sociales : le choix du français « normatif » laisse entendre que les autres variétés de français ne méritent pas d’être entendues en ondes; celui d’un français socialement ou géographiquement plus marqué, risque de provoquer des réactions négatives d’une partie du public.

L’objectif de ce colloque est de réunir des chercheuses et chercheurs qui s’intéressent aux français parlés dans les formats médiatiques oraux associés au divertissement, p. ex. talk-shows, téléréalités, téléséries, téléthéâtre, balados, spectacles d’humour, cinéma (incluant le doublage), vidéos diffusés sur des plateformes numériques comme YouTube. L’angle privilégié est la description des pratiques langagières non standardisées et des attitudes et des représentations entretenues à leur endroit. Nous voulons notamment nous pencher sur des questions telles que :

  • Dans quelle mesure les formats médiatiques oraux associés au divertissement reflètent-ils toute la diversité langagière observée dans la communauté? En particulier, quels traits du français non standardisé, du contact de langues ou quels phénomènes relevant du plurilinguisme telle l’alternance codique sont jugés acceptables et lesquels ne le sont pas?
  • Est-ce que certaines pratiques sont propres à un ou à des formats? Est-ce qu’on observe des différences entre les médias privés et publics? Dans quelle mesure certaines pratiques langagières sont-elles, selon les formats, différentes d’une communauté à l’autre?
  • Comment certaines pratiques langagières non standardisées sont-elles reçues par les publics en fonction des formats? Quels effets sont engendrés par l’utilisation de certaines formes ou pratiques non conformes à la norme standard? En quoi les pratiques langagières dans les formats médiatiques oraux associés au divertissement nous renseignent-elles sur les attitudes qu’une communauté entretient par rapport aux variétés de langue? Quelles sont les attitudes des diffuseurs à l’endroit de la langue utilisée sur leurs ondes et quels rapports ces attitudes entretiennent-elles avec les discours ambiants qui circulent à propos de la langue?
  • Comment les pratiques langagières non standardisées sont-elles gérées, de façon implicite ou explicite, dans les productions? Existe-t-il des politiques en vue d’encadrer ces pratiques linguistiques? Quels sont les facteurs de régulation linguistique qui orientent les pratiques langagières non standardisées, lorsqu’elles sont utilisées dans des formats médiatiques oraux? Ces pratiques font-elles l’objet de commentaires explicites de la part des personnes intervenant dans le cadre d’une même émission, par exemple? Quelle est la part de l’accommodation linguistique dans de tels contextes?
  • Les productions associées au divertissement contribuent-elles à légitimer l’usage des variétés non standardisées? Si oui, comment?
  • Quels sont les enjeux épistémologiques, éthiques et méthodologiques de l’étude des pratiques, des attitudes et des représentations dans le contexte des formats médiatiques oraux associés au divertissement?

Envoi d'une proposition de communication

Ce colloque s’adresse aux chercheuses et chercheurs incluant les étudiantes et les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs en sciences du langage, mais aussi d’autres disciplines concernées par les thèmes proposés, telles que la traductologie, les sciences de la communication ou les études cinématographiques. Bien que le colloque soit axé sur le français, des propositions portant sur d’autres langues pluricentriques seront considérées. La langue du colloque est cependant le français. Le colloque se tiendra en présence, mais des accommodements sont possibles si des circonstances exceptionnelles empêchent le déplacement.

Nous invitons les personnes dont les travaux touchent l’une ou l’autre des questions soulevées à présenter une proposition de communication d’au plus 2 500 caractères (espaces comprises), d’ici le 30 juin 2023, à l’adresse électronique suivante : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Les réponses aux propositions seront connues au début de septembre 2023. Il est prévu de publier certaines contributions après sélection du comité scientifique.

Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication of Universit libre de Bruxelles is looking for a fully funded four-year doctoral student in the field of Translation and Interpretation.

The successful candidate will be awarded a four-year PhD grant and be primarily based in the TRADITAL research center (, located within the freshly built premises, complete with interpretation booths, office space and eye-tracking equipment, and will benefit from a stimulating scientific environment (international exposure through scientific events, research seminars, networking activities at national and international level, specific training sessions, etc.). They will be writing a PhD dissertation on the topic of their choice, under the supervision of one or two academic members of the Faculty (one of which will belong to The School of Translation and Interpretation ISTI-Cooremans).

Deadline for applications: 1 June 2023

For more information, click here

The registration to Translab4 is now open.

The two-day symposium organized by Cornelia Zwischenberger and Alexa Alfer held at the University of Westminster, London, UK and will be focusing on the concept of ‘labour’ arising from Translab’s hallmark blending of ‘translation’ and ‘collaboration’. Register now and find more information under:

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