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IATIS Publications Committee


The main tasks of the Publications Committee are:

  • defining and implementing a publications policy that enables IATIS to provide a forum for debate and to stimulate scholarly interaction and the exchange of knowledge
  • supervising the publication of the IATIS yearbook, a full-length, refereed volume containing a thematically coherent collection of essays and overseen by an expert editor
  • defining themes for individual volumes, appointing editors for these volumes and creating mechanisms to ensure overall quality control
  • liaising with publishers and obtaining estimates of publishing costs
  • exploring other publication possibilities and initiatives
  • securing discounts from publishers for IATIS members.

The Committee reports to the IATIS Treasurer and to the Executive Council.





DUNCAN POUPARD, Publications Committee Chair

Chinese University of Hong Kong, SAR Hong Kong


Duncan Poupard is Assistant Professor in the Department of Translation at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the translation of Chinese ethnic minority literature, specifically of the Naxi minority in southwest China. His primary interest is in furthering the recognition and revitalization of minority and endangered forms of writing, and he has worked with museums and libraries around the world, including the British Library and the Barcelona Museum of World Cultures, on the cataloguing and translation of Naxi manuscripts.    



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martin-picROSARIO MARTÍN, Secretary of the IATIS Publications Committee

Universidad de Salamanca Spain


M. Rosario Martín Ruano teaches translation at the University of Salamanca, where she achieved her PhD. Her research interests include legal translation, translation theory, gender studies and post-colonial critique. She has published several books, anthologies and essays on these issues, including El (des)orden de los discursos: la traducción de lo políticamente correcto (Granada, Comares, 2003) and Últimas corrientes teóricas en los estudios de traducción y sus aplicaciones (coedited with Anne Barr and Jesús Torres, Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2001). She is a practising translator.


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alvarez-picROMÁN ÁLVAREZ, Member of the IATIS Publications Committee

Universidad de Salamanca, Spain


Román Álvarez Rodríguez is Professor of English Philology at the University of Salamanca, Spain, and currently Dean of the Faculty of Philology. He has published widely in the field of literary criticism and translation studies. Worthy of mention in this latter field are the anthologies Translation/Power/Subversion (coedited with África Vidal, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, 1996) and Cartografías de la traducción: del post-estructuralismo al multiculturalismo (Salamanca, Ediciones Almar, 2001). He is a practising translator.


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delabastita-picDIRK DELABASTITA, Member of the IATIS Publications Committee

University of Namur Belgium


Dirk Delabastita (1960) is professor of English literature and literary theory at the Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur (Belgium). He wrote his PhD (1990) on Shakespeare’s wordplay in Hamlet and the problems of translating it (There’s a Double Tongue, published in 1993). He edited two further volumes on the translation of wordplay: Wordplay and Translation (1996, a special issue of The Translator) and Traductio. Essays on Punning and Translation (1997). Dirk Delabastita also co-authored a Dutch-language dictionary of literary terms (Lexicon van Literaire Termen, with Hendrik van Gorp and Rita Ghesquiere, 1998), which has been translated into French (Dictionnaire des termes littéraires, 2001). His other books include European Shakespeares (with Lieven D’hulst, 1993). He serves on the editorial board of The Translator, is one of the series editors of Approaches to Translation Studies (Rodopi) and belongs to the team of supervisors of CETRA.


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dilley-picROY DILLEY, Member of the IATIS Publications Committee

University of St Andrews Scotland, UK


Roy Dilley teaches in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of St Andrews, and specialises in the study of the social organisation and culture of the Haalpulaaren (Tukulor) in Senegal, West Africa. He has published widely in journals and edited collections on this topic over the last 20 years, and has recently completed a historical ethnography entitled Islamic and Caste Knowledge Practices among Haalpulaaren, Senegal: Between Mosque and Termite Mound, in the International African Institute Library Series, London 2004. His earlier work includes Senegal in the Clio Press World Bibliographical Series, Oxford, 1994 (with J. S. Eades). He also has research interests in anthropological theory and cultural economics, and has edited two thematic collections of essays, entitled Contesting Markets: Analyses of Ideology, Discourse and Practice (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 1992), and The Problem of Context (Berghahn Press, Oxford 1999). This 1999 publication deals with how interpretative anthropologists have approached the problem of context in their analyses, and attempts to uncover the assumptions that lie behind the use of this key concept in anthropology, linguistics and other related disciplines.


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house-picJULIANE HOUSE, Member of the IATIS Publications Committee

University of Hamburg Germany


Juliane House was born in Berlin, Germany. She studied English, Spanish and International Law at Heidelberg university , where she graduated with a degree in translation (English, Spanish, German) and international law in 1966. She taught German as a second language to international students at Heidelberg university, worked as a translator, interpreter and market researcher for an multinational firm in Frankfurt before emigrating to Canada in 1968. After working in a Law Library at York University in Toronto, she continued her studies in General and Applied Linguistics at the University of Toronto. In her M.A. thesis (1971) she discussed "Theoretical Aspects of Translation", and in her Ph.D. (1976) she set up a "Model for Translation Quality Assessment". Following her remigration to Germany, she worked at the University of Bochum writing a pedagogical and an interactional grammar of English, as well as conducting a number of contrastive English-German pragmatic analyses. Since 1980 she holds the position of professor of applied linguistics at the University of Hamburg .She has published numerous articles and books in the fields of contrastive pragmatics, translation theory, intercultural communication, discourse analysis, interlanguage studies and, most recently, English as a lingua franca. She is a member of the editorial board of The Translator and Applied Linguistics, of the advisory board of Target, and a founding member of the German Society of Translation Studies and its Yearbooks of Translation and Interpreting. She is also a member of the German Science Foundation's research centre on multilingualism, where she directs a project on "Covert Translation" which investigates the influence of English as a lingua franca on discourse norms in other languages via processes of multilingual text production. In 1998 she was awarded an honorary doctorate from the university of Jyväskylä, Finland in recognition of her work in translation theory and cross-cultural discourse analysis.


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hubscherdavidsonSéverine Hubscher-Davidson, IATIS Executive Council Member

Aston University, Birmingham UK


Séverine Hubscher-Davidson is a lecturer in Translation Studies at Aston University, England, where she teaches translation and interpreting theory and practice. She received her PhD from the University of Bath. Her research interests include translators’ personalities, the translation process and translation pedagogy. She has organized short courses for professional translators and interpreters, including UK government linguists. Recent publications include 'A Reflection on Action Research Processes in Translator Training', in The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (2008), ‘Personal Diversity and Diverse Personalities in Translation: A Study of Individual Differences’, in Perspectives (2009) and ‘A Discussion of Ethnographic Research Methods and Their Relevance for Translation Process Research', in Across Languages and Cultures (2011). Séverine is co-editor (with John Kearns) of the IATIS Bulletin and a practising translator.


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kruger-picALET KRUGER, Member of the IATIS Publications Committee

University of South Africa, Pretoria South Africa


As Senior Lecturer in the Dept of Linguistics at the University of South Africa (Unisa), Alet Kruger has taught translation students in the postgraduate Diploma in Translation and the Honours in Translation Studies for 20 odd years and has recently become involved in the BA in Court Interpreting at undergraduate level as well. She also supervises masters and doctoral students in Translation Studies at Unisa. Her doctoral studies on lexical cohesion and register variation in translation paved the way for her current interest in corpus-based translation research. She is currently editing the proceedings of the Corpus-based Translation Studies (Research and Applications) conference jointly hosted by Unisa and UMIST in Pretoria in July 2003, to be published in a special issue of Language Matters, Vol. 34 (2004), as well as in a book in 2005. She serves on the editorial boards of Babel (FIT’s journal), Hermeneus, the South African Journal of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics and the John Benjamins Translation Library series. She is responsible for updating the SA Bibliography on Translation, Interpreting, Lexicography and Terminology for the SA Translators’ Institute, which contains more than 1500 entries. She was appointed in 2003 as consultant to the South African Bible Society which is involved in a new translation of the Bible into Afrikaans. She is also a practising translator and is currently working on the translation of a selection of Zakes Mda’s plays into Afrikaans.


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Ashley-picASHLEY RIGGS, Member of the IATIS Publications Committee

Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy


Ashley Riggs is Assistant Professor of English and Translation at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy). Prior to moving to Venice, Ashley worked for many years at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva, where she also completed her PhD. Ashley’s research focuses on the language of the news, intercultural mediation and cultural (mis)representation in the news, constructive news in translation, and feminist/queer rewritings of fairy tales and their translations. Three of her recent publications in these areas are Stylistic Deceptions in Online News (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020), ‘How online news headlines and accompanying images “translate” a violent event: A cross-cultural case study’ (Language and Intercultural Communication, 2021), and ‘Of Tales, tragic opera, transformation and “tongues”: Tristan und Isolde in Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber’ (in Angela Carter’s Pyrotechnics: A Union of Contraries, C. Crofts and M. Mulvey-Roberts (eds), Bloomsbury Academic, 2022).


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vidal-picÁFRICA VIDAL, Member of the IATIS Publications Committee

Universidad de Salamanca, Spain


África Vidal Claramonte is Professor of Translation at the University of Salamanca, Spain. Her research interests include translation theory, post-structuralism, post-modernism and gender studies. She has published a number of books, anthologies and essays on these issues, including Traducción, manipulación, desconstrucción (Salamanca, Ediciones Colegio de España, 1995), El futuro de la traducción (València, Alfons el Magnànim, 1998) Translation/Power/Subversion (coedited with Román Álvarez, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, 1996). She is a practising translator specialized in the field of contemporary art.


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Past members:


SABINE BRAUN, Publications Committee Chair

University of Surrey, UK


Sabine Braun is Professor of Translation Studies and Director of the Centre for Translation Studies at the University of Surrey in the UK. From 2017 to 2021, she also served as Associate Dean for Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the University of Surrey. Her research explores the integration and interaction of human and machine in translation and interpreting, for example to improve access to critical information, media content and vital public services such as healthcare and justice for linguistic-minority populations and other groups/people in need of communication support. My overarching interest lies in the notions of fairness, trust, transparency, and quality in relation to technology use in these contexts.


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