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Sunday, 28 October 2012 16:35

Proposta de uma Didática de Tradução para Licenciandos em Língua Inglesa


Supervisor: Dr. Maria José Bocorny Finatto (UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

Author: Heloísa O. K. Delgado - Adjunct Professor at the School of Letters and Head of the Foreign Language Department - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil 

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            This doctoral thesis advocates the inclusion of the theme of translation of specialized texts in the field of English Language Teaching. This idea is considered here mainly because of two facts: i) there are few Translation Studies undergraduation courses in our country; and ii) there are no autonomous disciplines whose subject matter is the integration of translation studies in the English teaching course curriculum. A qualified integration of these two areas at an undergraduate level would provide a basis for the familiarization of prospective teachers with translation tasks of specialized languages, and possibly motivate them to obtain another professional qualification in the future. An educational proposal for an autonomous discipline of scientific text translation is presented, based on the areas of Didatics of Translation, Translation Studies, Assimilation Theory and Languages for Specific Purposes. This proposal is structured in a specific data collection methodology which assumed that the concept map is an efficient teaching strategy.


KEY WORDS: Didatics of Translation. English Language and Translation Teaching. Meaningful Learning. Specialized Language. Concept Map.

 Completion Date: 2012

Available at

DiTraLL (Didática Tradução para Licenciandos em Letras) is also available at


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