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Saturday, 07 November 2015 18:18

Second International Conference on Translation Studies ICTS | Translating Asia: Convention and Invention Featured

Second International Conference on Translation Studies ICTS

Translating Asia: Convention and Invention

21-22 June 2016, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand

Research in translation studies in Asia has long been fruitful in partnership with the discipline of linguistics and its sub-disciplines such as applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, text linguistics, corpus linguistics, etc. Moreover, the interdisciplinary research has currently been enriched even more by the various social sciences such as cultural studies, gender studies, colonial studies, communication arts, actor network theory, multimodality, etc. While conventional approaches have been the roots and branches of translation studies establishing firm foundation for the discipline, innovative approaches help further nourish and fertilise translation studies to flourish and spread across Asia.

The International Conference on Translation Studies (ICTS) as an interdisciplinary conference serves as a space for both novice and experienced researchers to present, discuss, debate, share and exchange their ideas in translation studies with the focus on translation of Asian languages and cultures in an academic and friendly environment and to publish their research for an international audience.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Luis Pérez-González

Prospective participants are invited to submit papers on themes including, but not limited to, the following:-Translation Theories and Approaches-New approaches to translation

-Translation and socio-cultural theories

-Translation, Culture and Society

-Translation during colonial and post-colonial periods

-Translation of Asian socio-cultures

-Translation and gender

-Translation and globalisation

-Translation, Media and Information Technology

-Corpus-based translation

-Multimedia translation

-Translation and localisation

-Translation, Discourse and Power

-Translation and Discourse Analysis

-Translation and Ideology

-Translation and Power Relations


  • Deadline for abstract submission 29th February 2016
  • Announcement of accepted papers 10th March 2016
  • Confirmation of presenters 20th March 2016
  • Deadline for early bird registration 31st March 2016
  • Deadline for presenter registration 15th April 2016
  • Conference dates 21st-22nd June 2016
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