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Monday, 06 February 2017 15:02

Call for papers: Interpreting and Technology

Call for papers


The publication, edited by Claudio Fantinuoli, aims at bringing together scholars, researchers and practitioners to report on and review the latest in the topic of "Computer-assisted Interpreting/Automatic Interpreting/Interpreting and Technology/Digitalisation in Interpreting", as well as to explore potential future developments in the field. The language of the publication is English. 


Call for papers


The publication, edited by Claudio Fantinuoli, aims at bringing together scholars, researchers and practitioners to report on and review the latest in the topic of "Computer-assisted Interpreting/Automatic Interpreting/Interpreting and Technology/Digitalisation in Interpreting", as well as to explore potential future developments in the field. The language of the publication is English. 


Submissions are welcome from all subject areas of Technology and Interpreting, especially (but not limited to):


  1. Computer-Assisted Interpreting (especially empiric research)
  2. Interpreting-motivated evaluation of Computer-Assisted Interpreting tools
  3. Didactics of CAI tools and other emerging technologies (developments in the E-Classroom)
  4. Corpus linguistics and Interpreting
  5. Automatic Interpreting and Human Interpreting: Challenges for the profession
  6. Digitalisation and its consequences on the interpreting profession
  7. Technology and Interpretation: different perspectives - interpreters and computer linguists
  8. Remote interpreting

Prospective authors are invited to submit abstract proposals consisting of a title and a 300-500-word summary by 1 April 2017. Proposals should also include the following information: author’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, and a brief bio. Authors will be notified of their paper proposal acceptance by 31 April 2017. Full chapters (5000-7000 words) will be expected by 1 November 2017 (guidelines for authors will be provided). Selected essays will be compiled in book format and the volume will be published by a prestigious international publisher in 2018. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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