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Monday, 15 May 2017 13:19

Call for Abstracts/Proposals/Articles: Routledge Handbook of Translation, Feminism and Gender

Seeking proposals for articles for this first ever handbook concerned with translation, feminism and gender. Please see the chapter headings and subheadings below, and feel free to contact us with your ideas.

The chapter headings and categories listed within them are there for inspirational purposes. Feel free to propose your own projects.

Luise von Flotow : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hala Kamal : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Articles should be around 6000 words long, and written in English. The focus can be a local or a global overview, and should clearly address issues of translation as interlingual language transfer, and/or translation studies. The work will be peer-reviewed, and therefore a valuable contribution to any CV.



Send 300 word proposals/abstracts: by late June 2017;

Receive feedback/contracts: by late August 2017;

Send final versions of texts: by June 2018


Table of Contents:

Introduction (by Luise von Flotow and Hala Kamal)

This introduction will provide a comprehensive overview of the development of feminist thinking and theorization as it has focused on language and translation since the late 20th century, its achievements in various parts of the world, and the criticisms this ideology has faced and responded to. The introduction will also address the rise of the term “gender” in Anglo-America, and its spread, via translation and through the work of different agencies, organisms and institutions, into many public spaces and cultures. The introduction proposes as neutral as possible a presentation, recognizing the successes but also the abuses perpetrated through the adoption of the thinking around feminism and gender. The focus will be on the language of the proliferating debates around sexual difference in both public and private spheres, worldwide.

Chapter Headings:

1. Histories – Connecting Translation with Feminism and Gender Awareness

Histories of feminist activism in language and language use/translation;

Developments in gender-aware/queer theory and language use/translation;

Histories of women translators, and scholarship about them;

Histories of gender-aware/queer translators or texts in translation, and scholarship about them.

2. Pedagogies – Teaching through Translation, Feminism and Gender

How a feminist/gender-aware focus in translation and translation studies recognizes and reveals the politics of translation: feminist or not.

Learning and teaching through feminist/gender-aware translation.

3. Philosophies and Religions – Impacts of Translation with a Feminist/Gendered Edge

On feminist and gender-based criticism and revisionism of “key cultural texts” in translation – both philosophical and “sacred” texts:

- Bible;

- Koran;

- Buddhist texts;

- Confucian writings;

- Hindu works;

- ‘western’ philosophies (Beauvoir, Weil, and revisions of established patriarchal works).

4. Anthropological approaches – Translating Feminist and Gendered Representations

On translating “western” feminisms/gender-awareness into other cultures;

On translating other cultures’ feminisms and gendered discourses transnationally;

Other topics.

5. Postcolonial Approaches in Translation Feminism and Gender

Meshing postcolonial thinking, translation and feminism/gender awareness

- India

- Middle East

- Africa

- Eastern Europe/Russia

- Indigenous American cultures

- Anglo-American/European work

6. Human Migration and the Translation of Feminism/Gender-awareness

Minorities: women and other genders in migration and translation

War, conflict, diaspora, refugees and gender/feminist issues in translation

7. The Media: Translating Feminism and Gender Awareness

In film

In news translation

In video game translation

In machine translation

8. Pragmatic Texts: Health, Welfare, Human Rights, Law

Women’s health, reproductive health and translation

International aid and welfare initiatives/projects and gender issues in translation

LGBTQI rights and translation.

The law, genders and translation


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