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Tuesday, 27 March 2018 11:27

CfP: Societies and Languages in the Third Millennium 2018

The Organizing Committee of the International Conference Societies and Languages in the Third Millennium:Communication. Education. Translation is pleased and honored to inform you that our Conference will be held at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, on May 24-25, 2018.

The Conference will bring together teachers, researchers and professionals from all over the world to exchange, discuss and develop their ideas on the role of languages in the modern society, including education, industry, science and research domains. Special emphasis will be laid on the foreign language use, translation and mediation in different domains of today's multicultural world.

Conference topics

The conference welcomes submissions on the following issues:

Languages and modern society development

Languages and education

Language policy in multicultural society

Languages and Academic Excellence

Languages and research

Languages and rights

Content and Language Integrated Learning at HEI (CLIL at HEI)

Languages and communication in digital societies (chatbots for language learning, chatbots for translation, soft for instant translation and intepreting, neurosemantic networks for automated translation)

Translation as mediation in different domains of today's multicultural world.

Global Issues in Translation and Interpreting Skills Training

New Trends and Experiences, new challenges, curriculum design, ICT use for Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting Skills Training


Submission procedure and deadlines

Abstract submission deadline - April 1th, 2018

All abstracts and papers must be submitted in English.

Abstracts may not be longer than 3500 characters.

The minimum number of characters for the abstract to be reviewed is 1000.

Abstracts should highlight such aspects as the research statement/problem, the research goal, research methodology, findings/results, conclusions

Notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts submitted - April 5th,2018

Full paper submission deadline – April 15th, 2018

The papers should not exceed 5 pages (4000 words).

The paper should be arranged as the template requires, download the template

The conference working language is English.

Electronic Submissions are supported by EasyChair Conference management system

Abstracts and accepted papers should be sent though the following e-mail address

(please, note that you should register first)


Conference e- mail for questions and additional information upon request

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You may also get in touch with the conference administration chair associate professor Natalya Udina (e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The conference proceedings will be sent for evaluation and further inclusion in the WoS database

Conference fees:100 euros, to be paid until April 20th through RUDN on-line payment system or via bank

Conference fees include 4 coffee breaks, conference dinner, bus excursion around Moscow, certificate of attendance and report presentation

The University can provide organizational support regarding the accommodation, expenses are born by the conference participants

Possible options: University campus ( 2* hotel style double and single rooms) 

3* hotel,10 minutes walk from the University

Hotels in the city center upon request


Further details:


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