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Wednesday, 16 January 2019 08:36

LSP 2019 22nd Conference on Languages for Specific Purposes

LSP 2019 22nd Conference on Languages for Specific Purposes

Padova, Italy, 10-12 July 2019 Mediating

Specialized Knowledge: Challenges and Opportunities for LSP Communication and Research

Whether within or across languages, communicating specialised knowledge involves a degree of mediation. At all levels – experts to experts, experts to students, experts to lay people – effective LSP communication is the result of joint efforts in achieving mutual understanding, as negotiating or co-constructing meaning with the audience requires engaging with different perspectives, no matter if the aim is to integrate, reconcile, debate or oppose them. While co-constructing knowledge presents challenges, it also provides opportunities, as it requires novel investigations and innovative research methodologies in LSP/professional discourse studies.

Along with established patterns of mediation in LSP/professional contexts, growing use of digital media broadens the range of new genres and hybrid forms and influences discourse practices to make and maintain contact, to develop relationships and build networks in a multimodal environment. While research has made significant progress in many areas of LSP discourse, there is scope for further investigations and new methodologies to explore how scientists, professionals, journalists and all kinds of stakeholders deal with mediation of specialised knowledge at different levels to ensure effective communication in the age of digital media. Further inquiries concern whether and to what extent digital media affect communication in formal media.

You can submit abstracts for presentations, colloquia, workshops and panels. Analytical approaches based on synchronic, diachronic and/or contrastive perspectives of intralinguistic, interlinguistic and intercultural mediation in LSP/professional discourse are all welcome. Areas for submission include but are not limited to:

• Domain-specific language use (in fields such as science and technology, business and economics, law, medicine, etc.)

• Specialised translation and interpreting

• Professional communication

• Theoretical and methodological issues of LSP research

• LSP teaching and training

• Terminology in theory and practice

• Corpus-studies for LSP practice and research

• Multilingualism, language policies, and socio-cultural issues of LSPs

• Science communication

• Language for specific purposes in specific languages, countries or regions of the world

Abstracts can be submitted in English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish, but for their presentations all speakers will be kindly required to provide slides in English.


Submissions should be sent to the Organising committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 31 January 2018. In the object line of the message, please enter “ABSTRACT SUBMISSION” followed by the type of abstract – presentation, colloquium, workshop or panel.

• The required format for submissions is an abstract of 300-500 words (excluding references), possibly in Word format.

• Please do not include any self-identifying information on the abstract; indicate only the title and the abstract itself. On a separate cover sheet, please specify:

• Title:

• Author(s):

• Affiliation(s):

• Postal mailing address (for primary author):

• E-mail (for primary author):

• Telephone (for primary author):


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