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Thursday, 17 January 2019 16:59

CfP (reminder): Communicating across languages in times of technological change – Innovations in translation and interpreting research, practice and training Featured

Communicating across languages in times of technological change – Innovations in translation and interpreting research, practice and training

As announced at the end of the very successful CIUTI conference earlier this year at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, we are now calling for papers for an edited volume of REFable research articles on the above theme.

Bloomsbury and the series editor Jeremy Munday have voiced an interest in this volume for their series Bloomsbury Advances in Translation.

Aim and scope
The digital era is characterized by technology which increases the speed and breadth of knowledge turnover within the economy and society. The impact of new technologies is changing the very nature of language and communication, causing adjustment in every aspect of who says what, to whom, how, why, and with what effect. These developments interact in increasingly complex and pivotal ways with demographic shifts, which are caused by war, economic globalisation, changing social structures and patterns of mobility, environmental crises, and other factors. This faces researchers with new and often cross-disciplinary fields of inquiry, practitioners with the need to acquire and adopt novel skills and approaches and trainers with the need to train students for working in a rapidly changing landscape of communication technology. This edited volume is designed to reflect upon the innovations in research, practice and training that are associated with this turbulent landscape.

We invite papers related but not limited to the following translation and interpreting (T&I) areas:
• T&I in the digital economy
• T&I and new technologies
• Accessibility issues in T&I (e.g. data sharing, maintenance, copyright)
• New methodologies in T&I
• Multimodality in T&I
• T&I and the media
• T&I and literature
• T&I in the public sector
• T&I in politics and law
• Ethics, equality and diversity in T&I
• T&I in education

We are seeking original research papers with a clear focus on technology and related to translation and/or interpreting. Contributions should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words including tables, notes and references. All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed.

Please send your abstract of 1,000 – 1,500 words (as a file attachment, incl. the title of the paper, author name, affiliation, e-mail address) to the four editors by 10 February 2019. Following the review of abstracts, authors will be notified whether a full paper will be invited for submission by 15 March 2019.

Marion Winters, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sharon Deane-Cox, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Svenja Wurm, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ursula Böser, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline (1,000 – 1,500 w): 10 February 2019
Notification of invitation to submit full paper: 15 March 2019
Deadline for submission of invited paper: 15 October 2019

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