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Wednesday, 20 February 2019 12:13

MUMTTT 2019 : The 4th Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology

Following the success of the three previous editions of the workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology (MUMTTT) we are announcing the fourth edition to be held in conjunction with the International Conference “Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology’ (Europhras’2019)” which is jointly organised by the European Association for Phraseology EUROPHRAS, the University of Malaga (Research Group in Lexicography and Translation), the University of Wolverhampton (Research Group in Computational Linguistics) and the Association for Computational Linguistics – Bulgaria.
The MUMTTT workshop will be held on the last day of the Europhras’2019 conference, namely on 27th September 2019. It will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners in the fields of (Computational) Linguistics, (Computational) Phraseology, Translation Studies and Translation Technology to discuss recent advances in the area of multi-word unit processing and to coordinate research efforts across disciplines in order to improve the integration of multi-word units in machine translation and translation technology tools.

The MUMTTT 2019 workshop invites the submission of papers reporting on original and unpublished research on topics related to MWU processing in machine translation and translation technology, including:

- Lexical, syntactic, semantic and translational aspects in MWU representation
- Theoretical approaches to MWUs (e.g., collostructional analysis of MWU, cognitive approaches to processing MWUs, etc.)
- Development of multilingual MWU resources
-Identification and acquisition of MWUs and variants
-Learning semantic information about MWUs from monolingual, parallel or comparable corpora
-Development and use of MWU resources in machine translation and translation technology
-Development of corpora for the extraction and translation of MWUs
-Compilation of resources for the extraction and translation of multiword units
-Creation of MWU-annotated corpora with a focus on translation aspects
-Paraphrasing of MWUs applied to the improvement of machine translation
-MWUs and word alignment techniques
-MWUs in machine translation
-MUWs in translation memory systems
-MUWs in term extraction
-MWU-centred machine translation evaluation
-Evaluation of MWU translation
-MWUs in CAT tools
-Multilingualism and MWU processing
-Psycholinguistic studies of MWU processing in a bilingual setting.

Submission Guidelines
Submissions must consist of full-text papers and should not exceed 7 pages excluding references.
A selection of papers will be invited to submit an extended version for the second volume of Multiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology to be published by John Benjamins by the end of 2019.
They must be formatted according to the ACL 2017 style guidelines available both for Word and LaTeX text processor. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three programme committee members. Accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters, as determined by the programme committee. There will be no distinction in the workshop proceedings between papers presented orally or as posters. The proceedings will be published both as e-proceedings with ISSN and as an electronic volume with ISBN and will be made available at the time of the conference. The submissions will be maintained by conference management software. Details about the submission page will be provided in the second call for papers.

For more information, visit 

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