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Wednesday, 20 February 2019 12:14

News Discourse and Translation

News Discourse and Translation

In contexts of globalization (or de-globalization), news discourse plays an indispensable role by disseminating meaning that is manufactured, constructed, or negotiated by news workers over the course of presentation or representation.

With Industry 4.0 in place, featuring “smart things” on various fronts, the amount of data to be processed has increased exponentially. This new era characterized by highly interactive and customized news stories further enforces changes in the way news discourse to be perceived and consumed.

Furthermore, translation has facilitated the instantaneity of news flow around the world by simultaneously addressing members of different linguistic and cultural communities through the Internet or mobile apps. It will undoubtedly serve to intensify or reduce or mediate the opposition and interaction between the global and the local.

Against this backdrop, news dissemination manifested in news discourse calls for investigations from the academia from more perspectives with more interdisciplinary approaches.

Call for papers

We invite contributions from researchers working within any theoretical or methodological or practical perspectives who are interested in the intersection between news media, discourse, language, translation, culture and communication to this conference. You may have 20-minute oral presentations that report original research related to the following themes of the conference which may include, but are not limited to:

  • Globalization or localization of news discourse
  • News discourse and interactionLinguistic approaches to news language
  • Discourse analysis of news storyNews discourse and context
  • News discourse and intercultural communicationNews translation
  • News translation and technology
  • News translation and pedagogy

Submission of Abstracts

Anonymous abstracts not exceeding 300 words in length (excluding references) must be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Names and affiliation of the author(s) should be included in the accompanying email.

Note: Selected works will be invited to submit the full paper for publication in an edited volume to be proposed to world leading publisher such as Routledge after the conference.

Deadline for abstract submission: March 31 2019

Notification sent to applicants: April 15 2019

Registration for conference opens: April 2019

For more information, visit

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