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Wednesday, 03 April 2019 11:41

Fifth International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation

Fifth International Conference on Non-Professional
Interpreting and Translation
Department of Communication Science
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
June 24 - June 26, 2020

NPIT5 provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners within the field of interpreting and translation studies to share recent and relevant work within this discipline and related to the activities of nonprofessional and translators. It builds on discussions initiated at the first four international conferences on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation held in Bologna/Forli (2012), Mainz/ Germersheim (2014), Zurich (2016), and Stellenbosch (2018).

Theme: Bridging diverse worlds: expanding roles and contexts of non-professional interpreters and translators

Keynote speakers

  • Prof. Anthony Pym (Australia/Spain)
  • Dr. Sarah Crafter (United Kingdom)
  • Prof. Yvan Leanza (Canada)

Call for papers
Due to increased globalization and migration waves, the research field of nonprofessional interpreting and translation studies has gained in prominence and acknowledgement in recent years. Nonetheless, to receive the recognition it
deserves within the field of interpreting and translation studies, the critical and expanding role of non-professional interpreters and translators within increasingly complex and diverse contexts, needs continued attention from academia and practice. Pushing definitional and theoretical boundaries of interpreting and translation, it is a dynamic and still under-researched field that does not necessarily conforms to norms guiding professional multilingual communicative practices, though in many settings and contexts non-professional interpreting and translation is, in fact, more common in bridging diverse cultural and linguistic worlds, than professional interpreting and translation.
By bringing together researchers from various disciplines and practitioners from diverse settings, NPIT5 aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners within this field to share and discuss recent and relevant work within this discipline and related to the activities of non-professional interpreters and translators.
Furthermore, this forum serves to expand the theoretical, methodological, ethical and disciplinary approaches related to this form of linguistic and cultural mediation. It builds on discussions initiated at the first four international  conferences on Non- Professional Interpreting and Translation held in Bologna/Forlì(2012), Mainz/Germersheim (2014), Zurich (2016), and Stellenbosch (2018).
The Fifth International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT5) Organizing Committee invites proposals for presentations on any theoretical, empirical, ethical and/or methodological aspect of research related to the general theme of the conference. For all proposals the official conference language will be English. Three categories of proposals will be considered: (i) individual presentations, (ii) panels, and (iii) posters.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:
• Ad hoc translation/interpreting
• Adult/child language and cultural brokering
• Community translation and interpreting
• Family interpreting
• Machine translation/multilingual tools/online communication and information technologies
• Natural/native translation/interpreting
• Non-professional church/religious interpreting and/or translation
• Non-professional media interpreting and/or translation (fansubbing, fandubbing, fanfiction, news, talk-shows, the web, etc.)
• Non-professional sign language interpreting
• Stakeholder perspectives on non-professional interpreters and translators
• Training of non-professional interpreters and translators
• Non-professional interpreting and/or translation in the field of war/conflicts, NGOs, asylum seeking, health care, community and social care, legal and police

Submissions for individual presentations and panels have to be send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Submission dates and deadlines
Deadline submission individual presentations/panels/posters: 15 September 2019
Author notification: 1 December 2019
Deadline author registration: 1 April 2020

Conference website:

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