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Thursday, 25 April 2019 12:31

International Forum on Identity and Representation in Translation and Interpreting

The rapid increase of involvement of translation and interpreting in almost all domains of government and institutional activities has highlighted the need for a better understanding of their socio-cultural and ideological relevance. This forum will continue to explore the theme of previous discussions pursued in the Symposium on Critical Translation Studies (Shanghai, Jan 2019) and the Special Issue of The Translator 13(2) on‘Translation and Identity’but will be more focused on identity and representation in translation and interpreting within the Chinese context.

Under the theme of identity and representation in translation and interpreting, relevant presentations are called for on topics such as the following:

1) What are represented in translation and interpreting?

2) How are they represented in translation and interpreting?

3) Representation and identity in political discourse, in news discourse, in literary texts, etc.

4) Linguistic, discoursal and literary analysis of representation and identity

5) How is the identity of translators and interpreters represented socially and culturally?

We welcome particularly those presentations linking up ideological interpretation and explanation with linguistic, textual and discoursal analysis.

Invited keynote speakers:

Jeremy Munday, Professor of translation studies, University of Leeds

Binhua Wang, Professor of interpreting and translation studies, University of Leeds

Kaibao Hu, Professor of translation studies, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Key dates:

Abstract submission deadline: 10 May 2019

Notice of acceptance: 31 May 2019

Conference date: 22 Jun 2019 - 23 Jun 2019

Abstract submission:

Abstracts for twenty-minute presentations or panel discussions can be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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