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Monday, 22 July 2019 09:20

Special Issue of Belas Infiéis on Translator Education in Higher Education

Edited by José Luiz Vila Real Gonçalves and Patrícia Rodrigues Costa

Deadline for submission: 15 November 2019

Translator education at universities dates back to the 19th century in Argentina, China and Germany. However, higher education programs in translation began to spread in Europe and in the Americas only by the middle of the 20th century. In Brazil, translator education in Higher Education Institutions first appeared by the mid-1960s thanks to a new National Education Guidelines and Framework Law (1968). 50 years after the publication of that law, with the profession of translator recognized but not regulated, there are now several Translation undergraduate programs in the country, mostly of oral languages.

Translator education research has been encouraged all over the world, which can be verified by the growth in scientific publications, including papers, theses and dissertations, and the organization of events on the topic. Among recent seminars and conferences, the most notorious include: International Conference on Teaching Translation and Interpreting (TTI), held at the University of Łódź, Poland, Consortium for Translation Education Research (CTER), held at Jagiellonian University and the Pedagogical University of Kraków, Congrés internacional sobre investigació en Didàctica de la traducció (didTRAD), organized by the group PACTE from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, and the Seminar on Pedagogy and Didactics of Translation (SEDITRAD), held at the University of Brasília, Brazil. Short courses for translator educators have also become common, such as the Training in Translation Pedagogy Program (TTPP), held at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and the Training the Teacher of Literary Translation, promoted by the European School of Literary Translation (ESLT).

In order to collaborate with the consolidation of translator education, we invite researchers to submit contributions such as papers, translated pieces, reviews of works on the subject, reviews of translations, and interviews concerning the following aspects related to translator education of either oral or sign languages in Brazil and abroad:

  • Translator and researcher education in translation;
  • Evaluation and assessment in translator education (translation evaluation; evaluation and assessment of translation students; evaluation and assessment of professional translators; curriculum design evaluation and assessment)
  • Translator academic education vs. professional training for the job market;
  • Continuing education of translator educators;
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to translator education;
  • Application of educational theories to translator education;
  • Translation competence;Translator educator competence;
  • Translator competence;
  • Translation curriculum design (Undergraduation, post-graduation and continuing education);
  • Elaboration of teaching materials to translator education;
  • The history of translator education;Innovative methodologies in translation teaching;
  • Distance learning in translator education;
  • Language education (mother tongue and foreign language) in translator education;
  • The use of technologies in translator education.

All contributions must be submitted to the system of Revista Belas Infiéis.

Texts in Portuguese must follow the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Texts in languages other than Portuguese must follow the standards of the Modern Language Association (MLA).

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