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Thursday, 29 August 2019 14:46

31st Annual Conference of the Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies, Frankfurt, 21-24 May 2020

English in a World of Strangers: Rethinking World Anglophone Studies

In an increasingly globalized world characterized by multipolar power structures, trans-cultural flows and interlaced digital pathways, English has long since become a worldly language. A whole universe of discourse predicated on the question of who owns Eng-lish has been thrown into doubt: more than a billion people worldwide ‘do’ English in new and often unexpected ways, and anglophone literatures and cultures all over the world have become veritable contact zones characterized by multilingualism, trans-languaging and syncretic language practices.

Work in progress in anglophone postcolonial studies – including M.A./M.Ed., PhD and Postdoc projects as well as ongoing research projects in general – can be presented in the “Under Construction” section, for which poster presentations are also welcome.

Deadline for panel suggestions along with names of proposed speakers (minimum 3): November 01, 2019

Deadline for individual abstracts: December 31, 2019

For more details, visit

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