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Saturday, 07 September 2019 08:16

Open Panel: Insurrectional Epistemologies in the Global Justice Movement: the impact of time and space Featured

Convenor: Julie Boéri, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

At the Genealogy of Knowledge Conference II

7-9 April 2020, Hong Kong Baptist University

Deadline: 30 September 2019

The term translation has undergone multiple semantic extensions across the humanities and social sciences since the 1990s, revealing a growing concern for understanding the complex dynamics of socio-political, cultural and technological change that shape the globalized yet diverse societies of today. In the study of contemporary activism in particular, translation (in both its narrow and broad senses) has become a prism through which we think and practice diversity, inclusion and justice in a world torn apart by greed and violence. Contemporary activism is a particularly promising area for exploring the interplay between dominant and insurrectional forms of knowledge production in and through translation, in and beyond national territories, in and across different disciplines. This panel seeks to explore such epistemologies in the making in the context of the global justice movement, with a particular focus on how time and space mediate social actors’ experience of social transformation. Of particular interest here are the temporary configurations of communities of actors in transient activist spaces and the role played by language and political translation in articulating the perspectives of different social actors, tied to particular histories and geographies, within the global counterhegemonic drive.


This panel welcomes proposals connected to any of the following or compatible issues, with a particular focus on the role of translation (in its narrow and broad senses)

§ The interplay between insurrectional and mainstream epistemologies, in relation to concepts such as expertise, progress, efficiency and experimentation

§ Insurrectional initiatives to reconfigure professions, disciplines, theories and research methodologies

§ Histories and geographies of resistance: the time and space of translation

§ Transnational diffusion, the uncertainties of cultural appropriation, and the risks of co-optation and instrumentalization

§ Insurrectional epistemologies and the porous frontier between grassroots and mainstream

§ Social and digital spaces: the tension between concrete and virtual space/time and its impact on emerging epistemologies

§ Activist communities in virtual space: what kind of insurrectional epistemologies emerge through transient, biodegradable networks?

§ Prefigurative translation: modes, critiques and alternative strategies

Panel Convenor

Julie Boéri lectures at the Translation and Interpreting Studies Department of Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar. Her work focuses on social change and innovation in digital and non-digital environments, with a particular interest in narrative convergence and divergence among actors and communities. Her ethnographic studies of interactions, practices and artefacts in social organizations and media spaces seek to account for the dynamics of dominance and resistance at play in cross-cultural and cross-linguistic communicative encounters.

Submissions of paper proposals should be sent to the panel convenor (Julie Boéri, by 30 September 2019.

Submissions should consist of:

§ Title

§ Abstract (350-400 words, including up to 5 bibliographic references).

§ Contributor’s 150-word (maximum) biodata written in the third person.

§ Full affiliation(s).

Notification of acceptance will be sent by 30 October 2019.

More information on the Conference: 


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