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Wednesday, 09 October 2019 10:37

Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning, 28-30 May, 2020

The Łódź session of the Duo Colloquium will be held from 28-30 May 2020 at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Łódź, 171/173 Pomorska Street, 90-236 Łódź, Poland. The follow-up event at ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland, will take place from 3-5 September 2020. A separate call for the ZHAW session will be issued early in 2020.

In line with the previous sessions held in Łódź, the 2020 Łódź session will be geared towards theory and will deal with theoretical aspects of the central theme of the Duo Colloquium and the sub-themes suggested for it. The ZHAW session will have a more applied orientation.

This year’s central theme is Contextuality in Translation and Interpreting. Contextuality can be understood at any level, from the geopolitical to the textual, and embraces both academic and professional considerations of translational and interpreting phenomena. The conference sub-themes are focussed on context(s) and/or decontextualisation in translation and interpreting theory and practice. They embrace both academic and professional considerations of meaning in translation and interpreting from a variety of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives.

The deadline for submission of abstracts for the Łódź session is 15 February 2020. Notification of acceptance will be emailed to participants by 15 March 2020.

For more information, click here

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