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Tuesday, 15 October 2019 08:51

Comics in Dialogue Conference, 14-17 April 2020, Madrid

In recent years, comic studies have experienced a remarkable boost in Spain. This has been motivated by the recognition of their value as cultural artifacts, as means of artistic expression, and as sources of study in their own right. As a consequence, an increasing number of conferences, seminars and courses approaching this medium are being held.

The International Conference Comics in Dialogue / Conversaciones en torno al comics tries to be a space for dialogue in which Spanish and foreign creators occupy a prominent position in round tables, keynote speeches, interviews and tributes. At the same time, it aims at becoming a meeting point for researchers of different areas (literary and cultural studies, comparative literature, art history, communication, translation studies, history, education, gender studies...) working on comic studies.

The Conference is organized around the thematic areas described below. Conference languages are English, French, and Spanish.

Deadline for reception of abstracts is 31 Oct. 2019

For more information, click here

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