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Thursday, 31 October 2019 12:10

International Shaw Conference: "Shaw in Europe” University of Extremadura (Cáceres, Spain), 27-29 May 2020

Bernard Shaw was perhaps the first playwright who truly became an international figure. His plays have been performed in every country imaginable; his works, translated to dozens of languages. In addition, his ideas have influenced the most disparate authors on a global scale. To this attests his correspondence with some of the leading luminaries of the continent as well as the media attention he received from Amsterdam to Zagreb. Bernard Shaw, the man and the persona, knew no borders, and nowhere is this more so than in Europe. Some of his plays premiered in German translation years before they could be staged in the West End. At the peak of his career, Saint Joan, to cite but one example, was translated and produced in every major European capital within a year of its publication. The International Shaw Conference—“Shaw in Europe” is intended as a forum for scholars who study Shaw’s reception in Europe and the ramifications of his works and ideas on the continent.

The Organizing Committee welcomes papers on any of the following topics:

• Shaw productions in European countries

• Translations of Shaw plays and other works into European languages

• The reception of Shaw’s works and ideas in Europe

• Shaw’s influence on European authors

• Shaw and his views on European history and politics

• Shaw plays that have specific European connections: Bulgaria and Arms and the Man; France and Saint Joan; Spain and Man and Superman; Russia and Great Catherine / Annajanska; Ireland and John Bull’s Other Island, etc. Proposals for themed panels and roundtables are also welcome, especially those covering Shaw in specific countries and/or languages (in the case of translation).

Deadline for proposals: 17 February 2020

For more information, click here

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