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Friday, 15 November 2019 12:17

Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision, Riga, Latvia, 27-29 May 2020

The times and epochs have passed, but meaning in translation – elusive and fascinating, precise and pragmatically relevant – remains the main focus of translation studies. The issue of accurate representation of meaning across the languages has become particularly topical in the era of digitalization, proliferation of MT and CAT tools, evolution of neural machine translation networks, and the changes in the way information is generated, stored, processed and transmitted.

This year, the main focus of the conference is “Translation Studies in the Era of Digital Humanities”.
We hope that the conference will bring together researchers and translators, academia and students, practitioners in language services and technologies and language policy makers and will become a forum for promoting dynamic and constructive debate, networking and research cooperation.

The fourth international scientific conference “Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision” is aimed at exploring themes from the theoretical and practical perspectives covering a wide scope of topics: Terminology standardization and harmonization; Pragmatic, semantic and grammatical aspects of meaning in translation; Translation of sacred, legal, poetic, promotional and scientific and technical texts.

Deadline for submissions of abstracts: 31 January 2020

For more information, click here 

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