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Friday, 13 November 2020 08:25

Call for Research Letters (New Voices: Issue 24) 2021 Featured

Special Issue on Translator Training Environments

New Voices in Translation Studies: Call for Research Letters

on the Impact of COVID-19 on Translation and Interpreting Training


Deadline for submission: 31 January 2021
Publication date: 17 – 31 May 2021


“The late twentieth century has brought technology into the translation classroom; it is, therefore, paramount to stress its importance, especially during the training period when students learn and hone skills that will allow them to find their place on the translation market. The notion has never been more current than today. The authors [contributing to this Special Issue] discuss the challenges posed by technology through the prism of the changes that the COVID-19 pandemic has wrought upon the global society – mainly distance learning and the new training environment outside the classroom.”

(‘New translator training environments: towards improving translation students’ digital resilience’, Michał Kornacki and Paulina Pietrzak, 2021).

In response to the rapidly changing translation training environment, New Voices in Translation Studies cordially invites research letters which explore the impact of COVID-19 on translation and interpreting training and offer innovative approaches and practices that are of interest to the translation and interpreting community. These letters will be published alongside the full-length articles already submitted to New Voices in Translation Studies earlier in the year for this Special Issue. With such contributions, the issue will represent the widest possible range of input from around the world on this rapidly changing environment, leading towards further research and debate.

Different from full research papers, research letters are concise and focused, consisting of 2500-3000 words (excluding references). They do not need to include either detailed background information or a comprehensive evaluation. Instead, the focus is on quick and timely publication of preliminary results and key elements of a research study. Research letters for this issue should contain a short abstract (50-100 words), a very limited introduction or discussion of the literature and a focus on the method and results. The number of references should not exceed 15.

We welcome submissions particularly from trainers, educators and researchers in the field of translation and interpreting. All submissions considered for publication will go through the peer review process. Formatting requirements are the same as full papers and can be found on our website ( All submissions should be e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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