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Thursday, 12 May 2022 12:55

Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology, Malaga, Spain, 28-30 September 2022

The conference will focus on interdisciplinary approaches to phraseology and invites submissions on a wide range of topics, covering, but not limited to: computational, corpus-based, psycholinguistic and cognitive approaches to the study of phraseology, and practical applications in computational linguistics, translation, lexicography and language learning, teaching and assessment.

These topics cover include the following:

Computational approaches to the study of multiword expressions, e.g. automatic detection, classification and extraction of multiword expressions; automatic translation of multiword expressions; computational treatment of proper names; multiword expressions in NLP tasks and applications such as parsing, machine translation, text summarisation, term extraction, web search;

Corpus-based approaches to phraseology, e.g. corpus-based empirical studies of phraseology, task-orientated typologies of phraseological units (e.g. for annotation, lexicographic representation, etc.), annotation schemes, applications in applied linguistics and more specifically translation, interpreting, lexicography, terminology, language learning, teaching and assessment (see also below);

Phraseology in mono- and bilingual lexicography and terminography, e.g. new forms of presenting phraseological units in dictionaries and other lexical resources based on corpus-based and corpus-driven approaches; domain-specific terminology;

Phraseology in translation and cross-linguistic studies, e.g. use parallel and comparable corpora for translating of phraseological units; phraseological units in computer-aided translation; study of phraseology across languages;

Phraseology in specialised languages and language dialects, e.g. phraseology of specialised languages, study of phraseological use in different dialects or varieties of a specific language;

Phraseology in language learning, teaching and assessment: e.g. second language/bilingual processing of phraseological units and formulaic language; phraseological units in learner language;

Theoretical and descriptive approaches to phraseology, e.g. phraseological units and the lexis-grammar interface, the relevance of phraseology for theoretical models of grammar, the representation of phraseological units in constituency and dependency theories, phraseology and its interaction with semantics;

Cognitive and psycholinguistic approaches: e.g. cognitive models of phraseological unit comprehension and production; on-line measures of phraseological unit processing (e.g. eye tracking, event-related potentials, self-paced reading); phraseology and language disorders; phraseology and text readability;

The above list is indicative and not exhaustive. Any submission presenting a study related to the alternative terms of phraseological units, multiword expressions, multiword units, formulaic language or polylexical expressions, will be considered.

Deadline for abstracts: 20 May 2022

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