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Friday, 03 June 2022 14:15

Special Issue of Parallèles 36:1 (2024) Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility in Language Education

guest edited by Alejandro Bolaños (UCL, UK), Noa Talaván (UNED, Spain) and Alberto
Fernández-Costales (University of Oviedo, Spain)

We welcome studies on all AVT modalities as long as there is a clear pedagogical
application to the field of language learning and teaching. We are interested in
how AVT can be integrated into any educational setting, context, or stage.
Contributions are not limited to the analysis of the possible benefits, challenges
and disadvantages of using AVT as a didactic tool; they may also focus on
accessibility issues in language learning, translator training, translation
strategies, or the implications this emerging trend may have in TS scholarship as
well as the relevance of translation as a mediation tool in educational contexts of
communication (Pintado-Gutiérrez, 2018; Muñoz-Basols, 2019; GonzálezDavies, 2020).

We would be happy to consider proposals on the following research topics:
- Didactic subtitling (including interlingual and intralingual captioning)
- Didactic revoicing (including dubbing, voice-over, and free commentary)
- Didactic media accessibility (including audio description and subtitling for
the deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences)
- Didactic applications of less frequent AVT practices (including respeaking,
surtitling, easy-to-read)
- Using AVT in translator training scenarios
- Assessing the use of didactic AVT in formal contexts
- Experiences of didactic AVT implementation in higher education
- Experiences of didactic AVT implementation in non-formal education
- Didactic AVT in bilingual education and plurilingual settings
- Evaluating language gains through subtitling and dubbing
- Subtitling or dubbing? Implications for L2 proficiency
- Fansubbing and language learning
- Technology-enhanced didactic AVT
- Authentic audiovisual language and language education
- Culture and humour in audiovisual translation to teach languages
- Audiovisual translation as a mediation tool in language teaching & learning

Deadline for abstracts: 1 October 2022

For more information, click here


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