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Monday, 12 September 2022 09:52

Call for proposals for thematic issues for Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series (LANS) – Themes in Translation Studies Issue 2024

Call for proposals for thematic issues for review by the journal’s editorial board

Guest editors may submit proposals for thematic issues to the journal’s editorial board. To do so, please send your proposal to Dr Isabelle Robert, using the journal’s general e-mail address (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

To be considered, proposals must include the following five elements:

  • guest editors’ names and affiliations;
  • guest editors’ track records in the suggested research domain(s) (e.g., proof of achievements, credentials, expertise);
  • a title and a brief presentation of the proposed topic (500–1000 words), consisting of a general description of the theme, followed by more specific research topics;
  • a working reference list in APA format (7th edition) and
  • a motivation (max. 500 words) explaining why the proposed topic is innovative, relevant for Translation Studies and feasible considering the scope of an annual publication.

Proposal reviews for thematic issues

The editorial board will draw up a shortlist of proposals by initially examining proposals based on their originality, international thematic relevance, innovativeness and (non)redundancy with former thematic issues. For an overview of former issues, please consult the following URLs:

Proposals for thematic issues are discussed at the annual meeting of the editorial board, which generally takes place in November. The editorial board will take one of the following three decisions:

  • accept the proposal without modifications;
  • accept the proposal with suggestions for modifications (‘conditional acceptance’) and
  • reject the proposal.

Deadline for proposals: 25 October 2022

For more information, click here

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