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Wednesday, 23 November 2022 11:31

Yearbook of Translational Hermeneutics Volume 4 / 2024: Hermeneutics, Specialized Communication and Translation

Guest Editors: Miriam P. Leibbrand, Tinka Reichmann, Ursula Wienen

Hermeneutics, Specialized Communication, and Translation

The convergence of translation studies and research oriented towards specialized communication
on the one hand and, on the other, translation studies and hermeneutics more broadly has been
observable for several years. This issue of the Yearbook of Translational Hermeneutics aims to
bring together research and theory-building at these interfaces from an intercultural and transcultural perspective.
The scholarly investigation of translation in the sense of transcultural specialized communication (i.e. specialized translation and interpreting) encompasses theoretical and empirical approaches drawn from such diverse disciplines as translation studies, linguistics (text linguistics,
language for special purposes, legal linguistics, business linguistics, etc.), communication studies,
cultural studies, and the respective areas of study they imply (law, economics, technology, medicine, etc.). Translational hermeneutics, in turn, is fed by a variety of approaches ranging from
understanding in terms of the art and craft of interpretation which is performed by the translating
individual, through to approaches to translation and translation research informed by literary studies, cognitive science, and sociology (including the sociology of understanding), and also philosophically oriented approaches, especially those framed by phenomenological and philosophical
hermeneutics. It can therefore be assumed that a more in-depth study of hermeneutics, specialized
communication, and translation, has the potential to embrace a variety of scholarly approaches and
can moreover accommodate a wide range of topics and questions.
Possible topics for conceptual and empirical contributions to this issue of the Yearbook of
Translational Hermeneutics include:
• The (textual) horizons of transcultural specialized communication in history and at the present day
• Hermeneutics and rhetoric in transcultural specialized communication
• Professional action as hermeneutic action (e.g. legal hermeneutics, comparative law, legal
translation; professional ethics)
• Specialized interpreting and hermeneutics (interpreting in the courtroom, interpreting for
the police, interpreting in asylum proceedings, etc.; interpreting at specialized conferences;
processes of understanding, orality in specialized communication, rhetoric in interpreting,
• Methodological approaches to transcultural specialized communication framed in terms of
translational hermeneutics
• The anthropological dimension of transcultural specialized communication in translation
practice, translation studies and translation didactics
      o Humanism and hermeneutic thinking and acting versus posthumanism and
transhumanism in translation and specialized communication 
      o Interpretive approaches of hermeneutics and philosophy in terms of human-machine interaction in translation and specialized communication
      o Hermeneutics and translation technologies in translation and specialized communication
• The translationally acting (socio-cognitive) subject in its interaction in specialized contexts
(translation processes, actors, agency, collaborative translation in transcultural specialized
• Transcultural specialized communication, hermeneutics and cognition
• Transcultural specialized communication, hermeneutics and creativity
• Transcultural specialized communication, hermeneutics and performativity

Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2022

For more information, click here

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