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Monday, 19 December 2022 12:36

3rd Annual Conference of the Translation Studies Network of Ireland Radical Translation(s)/Translating the Radical, 27-28 April 2023, University College Cork

Inspired by Cork’s legendary reputation as “Rebel County”, the focus of the third annual TSNI conference will be on
the potential for translation in all its forms as a radical force, resistant to linguistic and cultural homogenization, and
open to alternative modes of writing, understanding and navigating the different societies, cultures and worldviews
traversing our planet. From celebrating the creativity of rebel translators who have contributed to changing the
ways in which we experience and interpret different writers, texts, source cultures and dominant poetics to
acknowledging the role of activist translation in countering inequality and furthering societal and environmental
justice, the agency of translator(s) in enabling everyday encounters with difference will be placed at the centre of
the conference programme.

Alongside this, we welcome papers on the translation of aesthetically and politically radical texts and ideas
throughout history, recognising both the importance of translators in the transmission of revolutionary ideologies
across linguistic, national and geographical borders, and the ways in which apprehension of the role of different
modes of translation in these processes transforms approaches to social, cultural, political and disciplinary
boundaries. As well as discussion of radical theoretical models and technological solutions to the challenges of
translatability, ranging from Quine’s thought experiment in radical translation to Spivak’s ethically-grounded readeras-translator,

and/or more recent concepts of resistance, abusive fidelity and (e)co-translational resilience, we
encourage alternative models of presenting research data and findings, that go beyond the traditional 20-minute
paper to include creative and intersemiotic responses.
There will also be a dedicated poster session during the conference.

Deadline for submissions: 20 January 2023

For more information, click here

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