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Monday, 16 January 2023 06:09

Semioethics of Translatability in Presentday Global Communication, Bari, Italy, 24-27 May 2023

Presentday organisation of the world in terms of globalisation inevitably involves the condition of
mutual co-implication among all inhabitants over the planet (attested by the current pandemic and increase of
famine in Africa caused by the Ukraine war). We are now in all 8 billion. We propose here to read the signs
of total interconnection, of total interdependency: hence semiotics of globalisation. Specifically, we propose
to read these signs from the perspective of what has been tagged “semioethics”, where “ethics” is understood
in Emmanuel Levinas’s sense of the term: that is, as “intrigue”, “entanglement”: reference is to the condition
just mentioned of “mutual co-implication”, of “reciprocal involvement”. The primary concern is that life
over the entire planet, today under severe threat, be granted the possibility to continue and flourish.

This workshop welcomes proposals that focus on any of the topics outlined, whether directly or
indirectly, developing aspects and implications, thus contributing to a more comprehensive understanding
and exemplification of the issues at stake

Deadline for proposals: 6 Feb

For more information, click here

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