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Tuesday, 24 October 2023 15:01

International conference on Children’s Literature and Translation Studies (CLTS), 22–23 August 2024, Stockholm

This conference is organized by a collaboration between Stockholm University, Uppsala  University (Sweden), Heriot-Watt University (UK) and the Children In Translation Network at the University of Galway (Ireland) to promote the intersection between Children’s Literature and Translation Studies. We understand this intersection as a space that includes the translation of all forms of multimodal fiction and non-fiction for children and young adults or what Borodo (2007) refers to as “Child-centered Translation Studies” in desire to broaden the field of study to different media.

The field of children’s literature has proved a fertile ground for research in translation in recent decades, but the time has come to take stock of past developments and innovations to forge new theoretical and practical paths for the future development of the discipline. Drawing from the first interdisciplinary conference organized in Belgium by KU Leuven and the University of Antwerp in 2017, our goal is to solidify what has been achieved so far and to provide a space for discussion on the future of children's literature in translation. This workspace will serve as a forum for practitioner and academic voices to work together to share new ideas and to further shape the arena for the discipline.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2023

For more information, click here

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