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Wednesday, 25 October 2023 13:17

2nd International Conference “Translation and Cultural Sustainability: Challenges and New Avenues”, 17-19 April 2024, Salamanca, Spain

Following the resounding success of the 1st International Conference Translation and Cultural Sustainability, which took place in November 2018, the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Salamanca, Spain, will hold the second edition from 17 to 19 April 2024.

The aim of this second gathering is to discuss the numerous challenges, research and development avenues and new scenarios (physical, technological as well as social and cultural) that we face in the field of Translation and Interpreting, be they in professional, research, intercultural mediation or teaching-learning activities.


In our call for papers, we invite researchers and practitioners from all over the world to submit their abstracts for research, development and innovation in the wide range of areas encompassed by Translation and Interpreting. To this end, there will be five parallel paper presentation sessions and a physical space in which we will encourage participants to discuss emerging research, which will be presented in the form of postersSome sessions will be moderated by outstanding guest speakers, who will also present their research or editorial projects in those sessions.

The three-day programme will include six keynote lectures and five roundtable discussions, in which prestigious experts in the discipline and profession will participate to help us reflect and debate on these new challenges, scenarios and research and development avenues.

For more information, click here.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 October 2023

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