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Tuesday, 12 February 2013 14:40

Languaging in Cultures

Call for papers Volume 6 (2013) "LANGUAGING IN CULTURES"     15th March 2013: call for abstracts 30 June 2013: full papers   LANGUAGING IN CULTURES Issue 6 will include an interview with David Crystal, focussing on language and in particular on the glocalization of language(s), Englishes and what this means for…
MTM journal will publish a special issue on "Translation in an Age of Austerity" in January 2014 (issue n°5) and is inviting contributions on any aspect of the area.  The next issue of mTm will discuss the impact of austerity on translation, language policy, and multilingualism and is inviting contributions on any aspect of…
DEADLINE SUBMISSION ABSTRACTS: 15 FEBRUARY 2013TRAINING LEGAL TRANSLATORS AND INTERPRETERS: THEORY, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Special Issue of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Volume 9, Number 1, March 2015 Guest editors: Ester MONZÓ NEBOT (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) & Le CHENG (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR)
IJSCL is a newly-established, peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles on the relationships between society, culture, and language. JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation, is an electronic, peer-reviewed journal bringing non-literary translation issues to the fore. Published bi-annually, it includes articles, reviews and streamed interviewsby translation scholars and professionals.
Training legal translators and interpreters: Theory, research and practice   Special Issue of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Volume 9, Number 1, March 2015   Guest editors: Ester Monzó Nebot (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) & Le CHENG (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR)
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Volume 31(3), 2013 The sociology of translation in a developmental context Guest editors: Sergey Tyulenev and Marlie van Rooyen One of the ways in which one can conceptualise the evolution of Translation Studies as a scholarly discipline over the past five decades is…
A special issue of the Journal of Specialised Translation on Terminology, Phraseology and Translation (Issue 18, July 2012) is out. The issue was guest-edited by Margaret Rogers. See the Jostrans website for more details: The Jostrans is an open-access journal.
Translation Ireland - Call for Contributions We are currently accepting articles for the forthcoming edition of Translation Ireland, the journal of the Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association (ITIA). For this general issue we are accepting articles on any topic that would be of interest to ITIA members, particularly pieces concerning practical…
The journal translation is issuing a call for papers specifically for its website articles. Articles are to be approximately 1,000 words in length and will be published solely on the website.
Monday, 02 April 2012 09:25

Call for Papers: FORUM

FORUM is an international journal of interpretation and translation which is published jointly by ESIT, represented by Prof. Marianne Lederer and the Korean Society of Conference Interpretation, represented by Prof. Choi Jungwha. It is the only international refereed journal that links East and West.  Since its inception in 2003, the…
CALL FOR PAPERS TRANSLATION IN THE LANGUAGE CLASSROOM: THEORY, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Special Issue of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Volume 8, Number 1, 2014 Deadline for submission of abstracts (of around 500 words): 15 June 2012
Call for Papers: Word and Text – A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics, II, 2 (2012)  THE PLACE OF TRANSLATION `A language is a place' Elias Canetti once noted, thus intimating that languages are anchored in a bounded space, determined by the place(s) they inhabit. If language is place,…
"Image, Music, Text…?" Translating Multimodalities Issue n° 20 January 2013 Edited by Margaret Clarke, Caterina Jeffcote and Carol O’Sullivan JoSTrans is an electronic, peer-reviewed journal bringing non-literary translation issues to the fore. Published bi-annually, it includes articles, reviews and streamed interviews by translation scholars and professionals. The Journal of Specialised…
"Linguistics Applied", an International Journal of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics invites paper submissions for vol. 5.2, a thematic volume on issues in Arabic translation with guest editor Sattar Izwaini, to be published in December 2012. 
Theme - The Next BIG Thing: Current Trends in Translation.
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