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Monday, 13 March 2017 13:40

2nd IATIS translation workshop takes place in Almaty, Kazakhstan

On March 3 2017 the Faculty of Philology and Education at Suleyman Demirel University (SDU) organized the 2nd IATIS Translator Training Workshop in cooperation with the Association for Applied Linguistics of Kazakhstan (AALK), the International Association for Translation and International Studies (IATIS), the National Center for Professional Development “Orleu”, KazNU, KazUIR & WL, the Translation Union “Dialogue” and Ghent University in Belgium.

This was the first time such an event had been organized in Kazakhstan and speakers included a number of local and international presenters.

Professor Azamat Akbarov, Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Education at SDU, led proceedings by welcoming all guests and highlighting the importance of the seminar to both the University and the translation field in general. The opening ceremony was followed by the main program, with speakers including Professor Sonia Vandepitte (Ghent University, Belgium), Prof. Dr. Azamat Akbarov (AALK, SDU), Prof. Dr. Aybarsha Islam (KazUIR & WL), Asst. Prof. Dr. Kuralay Kenzhekhanova (KazNU), Mr. Auyel Yerzhan (TU Dialogue) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lejla Mirzoyeva (SDU) addressing topical issues and trends in the translation field related to translation quality, the employment market and more.

Professor Sonia Vandepitte, the head of the English section of the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication at Ghent University, gave three lectures at SDU, addressing issues of translation quality, teaching issues of translation quality and students practicing translation quality procedures. She also concluded the day with a workshop on student translation companies, in which the audience was requested to reflect on organizational, didactic, course design and assessment aspects of a teaching module in which students take their first steps into the translation market.

The event was attended by nearly 170 people from such institutions as KIMEP, Taraz State University, Kazakh Russian International University, KazNU, KazNRTU, Aktobe Regional State University, KAU, Turan college, SDC college, as well as freelancers and representatives of local businesses. The aim of the event was to promote studies involving issues of education and translation quality in the market, as well as to promote intercultural communication more generally. The event also set out to create a platform to enable scholars from different professional backgrounds to share experiences and discuss issues related to translation and intercultural communication. Finally, the event acted as a forum for junior translators to gain knowledge and motivation from their more experienced colleagues.

As a token of appreciation, Professor Akbarov awarded a certificate of appreciation to all presenters. The next lecture in the spring speaker series at the Faculty will be held in April this year.

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