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Wednesday, 17 February 2021 17:29

Special Issue of Bridge: Trends and Traditions in Translation and Interpreting Studies - Translation and Accessibility for All in the Creative Industries - Digital Spaces and Cultural Contexts (edited by Alessandra Rizzo)

Translation and Accessibility for All in the Creative Industries - Digital Spaces and Cultural Contexts (edited by Alessandra Rizzo)

'The scope of this special issue is to investigate the latest increasing interest in the accessibility of the culturaland creative industries (henceforth CCI) in contemporary societies by means of translation and interpreting activities. In the last decades, such attention has proven to be pivotal to the functioning and survival of the arts and cultures among larger societies and/or smaller ethniccommunities, especially in the recent periodofthe Covid-19 pandemic. A vast promotion of physical and virtual cultural events, e.g., festivals, film screenings,onlineand face-to-face artistic tours, etc., is revealing how such enthusiasm is crucial to the growth and development of the accessibility of (audio)visual and artistic forms across the boundaries of national and international projects and associations (e.g., Sole Luna Doc Festival, MeMADin this issue)within political frameworks that supportcultural mushrooming. Against this backdrop, therole of translationin a wide-ranging perspectivehas become significantly revolutionary and collaborative, and also socially constructed,thus encouragingtheactivation ofintercultural and interlingual, as well as transnational and transcultural networks that govern the CCI. These networksinclude the spheresof the visual and performing arts (i.e., theatre, opera, dance, museums, galleries, and installations, drawing, sculpture, etc.) and of audiovisual products (i.e., TV, cinema, documentary film festivals, etc.).'

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