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Sunday, 13 September 2015 08:38

VACANCIES: Pan African University Academic Staff (extract)


This document describes the duties and responsibilities of academic staff of Pan African University and is a binding document for each academic staff member. The responsibilities shall include some or all of the following: teaching, student advising, research and creative activities, service and administrative responsibilities. These responsibilities may include involvement in off-campus, evening or weekend duties, as well as student recruitment, retention, and placement efforts. There are additional position-specific duties that may change with each academic year, through discussions between staff and the Chair. The document also describes the positions and the salary scheme for each position.

As a guiding principle, each academic staff member is expected to promote a general spirit of Pan-Africanism, to nurture a “united Africa”-mindset supporting the sustainable development for a prosperous future of the African continent and to foster commitment for the continental development goals as laid down by the AU strategic goals and objectives.

1. Post:

Job Title: ACADEMIC STAFF (area of specialization is specified on last page)

Department: Human Resources, Science and Technology

Duty Station:

i. Pan African University Institute of Life and Earth Sciences (including Health and Agriculture) (PAULESI) located at University of Ibadan in Nigeria for Western Africa

ii. Pan African University Institute of Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI) located at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in Kenya for Eastern Africa

iii. Pan African University Institute of Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS) located at University of Yaoundé II in Cameroon for Central Africa

iv. Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (including climate change) (PAUWES) located at University of Tlemcen in Algeria for North Africa. AFRICAN UNION UNION AFRICAINE UNIÃO AFRICANA P. O. Box 3243, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Tel.: (251-11) 5517700 Fax: (251-11) 5517844

2. Major duties and responsibilities:


a) To teach at high international level in either English or French, whichever may be preferable.

b) To prepare lectures, seminars, laboratory trainings and practical teaching units (e.g. student excursions, field works) and to develop methodological approaches and activities by compilation of tools and materials in print and digital form.

c) To regularly upgrade qualifications and competences (e.g. active participation in teaching and learning (T&L) seminars and workshops as well as other training opportunities outside the campus).

d) To work closely with the respective chair holders or the coordinator of study program as well as with the Institute Director.

e) To teach independently courses under the guidance of chair holders or the director/coordinator of study program

f) To select the most relevant and up to date literature for teaching and making it available for students and colleagues

g) Provide in writing to students a course outline containing: a general outline of the topics to be covered; a list of the required textbooks, readings (or material) to be covered in the course; a schedule of term assignments and tests and a description of the evaluation procedures to be used

h) To attend or organize regular chair or institute meetings (chair meetings at least once a week).

i) To actively participate in all chair and institute meetings. Those meetings are mandatory and part of academic duties.

j) To supervise and evaluate the student’s works (checking day-to-day work and seminar tasks, assessment and examination of student work, participation in grading, etc.), and provide (upon request) appropriate evaluative feedback to any student.

k) To submit grades in time to the course coordinator and Institute Director’s office

l) Adhere to the policies concerning scheduling, administering and grading of examinations.

m) To establish and post office hours during which they are available for individual consultation with students.

n) To actively support e-teaching and e-learning activities and to contribute to developing elearning materials and course teaching

o) To instruct and advice Master’s theses (and - depending on the academic rank - also guide and supervise doctoral dissertations).


Research, Consultancy and industry linkage

a) To promote interdisciplinary cooperation within the Institute as well as with outside partners and to strengthen the university-industry linkages, the linkages with the public, private and civil society as well as Technology-Transfer.

b) To initiate new international cooperation in line with PAU and Institute internationalization strategies as well as actively strengthening already existing ones.

c) To pro-actively support the linkage of the Institute to other PAU institutes and activities, as well as other institutions of higher learning.

d) To pro-actively support the linkage of the Institute to existing initiatives and networks on the continent and internationally.

e) To be actively engaged in conducting research as well as consultancy projects that are in line with the PAU and the Institute’s policies and guidelines.

f) To engage in obtaining research grants as well as being actively involved in targeting third party funding.

g) To publish regularly in professional journals and periodicals as well as other research forums.

h) To initiate and edit book publications.

i) To actively organize workshops, conferences, symposia, discussion rounds as well as exhibitions, fairs and other scientific outreaching activities.


Academic Self-administration

a) To work very closely with PAU Institute management.

b) To engage in academic self-administration and governance.

c) To engage in general activities of PAU Institute.

d) To represent the chair as well as PAU Institute to the outside community (when requested).

e) To conduct administrative work for the respective Chair or Program Coordinator


General Obligations

a) Teaching and research activities performed at PAU are official duties of the academic staff, regardless of the source of funding.

b) Skill upgrading and personal development are mandatory for every academic staff who must stay current in the scholarship of their discipline and teaching methodology.

c) Prompt class time management and timely submission of documents and grades are expected of each academic staff.

d) Loads of teaching and research activities may vary in different semesters and will be agreed between the academic staff, the Chair and Institute Director.

e) Course content must comply with the curriculum. For each class, a course syllabus that includes course objectives, a comprehensive and current reading list has to be given to the students, the program coordinator and Chair.

f) The property and resources of PAU, including financial, must be handled judiciously

g) Academic staff may from time to time be required to perform administrative and /or mentoring duties as part of the normal duties and responsibilities. They are also expected to Support student learning outside of class.

h) Academic staff should actively apply for resources for research and training activities from national and international organizations, companies and foundations.

i) Academic staff may offer their services to possible private and public clients (industries) and civil society organizations in Africa.

j) Academic staff members are entitled to use premises, equipment and other resources of PAU for the fulfillment of their official duties in the order established by the Institute.

k) Academic staff members are entitled to raise questions concerning their work environment and program of activities to their superiors in accordance with established communication channels. They are also expected to maintain a collegial relationship with others at the University.

l) Academic staff members are entitled to reveal their opinion and make proposals in issues related to their specializations to their superiors in accordance with established communication channels.



A Chair who shall be a full professor will contribute to the compilation, revision and introduction of curricula. The Chair will manage the curriculum and teaching of allinstitute subjects in his/her given tenure and will be responsible for the fulfillment of the respective curriculum and ensure the attainment of the highest quality standards in teaching, research and knowledge management. . He/She will be supported by (a) Program Coordinator(s). Specifically, the Chair will:

a) Assign teaching loads between academic staff and researchers

b) Be responsible for the identification of quality and relevant research agenda, establishment of research teams and their mode of operation, and pro-actively provide advice and leadership in resource mobilization for teaching and research

c) Provide professional and technical support to academic staff and to ensure their academic development using every possible means.

d) Ensure the acquisition and availability of world class study tools and materials for teaching and research and foster a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship

e) Hold regular academic staff meetings and keep the Institute informed of meeting outcomes

f) Be responsible for the professional evaluation of the academic staff performance and make recommendations to the Institute Board in consultation with the Institute Director.

g) Participate in academic and management boards and from time to time and will be expected to make presentations and prepare reports to the rectorate and the partners.

h) Support the positioning of the University in the international academic and research network and ensure a sustained increase in the visibility and reputation of the PAU in the international arena

i) Increase the institute’s visibility and reputation on the continent and abroad and to guarantee top notch and relevant applied research. He/she promotes a panAfrican spirit and mindset of the academic and non-academic staff and students.

j) Pro-actively engage in agenda-setting, policy advice and networks to support Africa’s sustainable development and well-being


A Professor is an academic staff member leading in his/her specialty. He/ she is entitled to conduct studies and research in all levels of higher education and to instruct and supervise and guide masters, doctoral and postdoctoral students, and expected to provide academic leadership at all levels. Specifically, the Professor will:

a) Teach masters and doctoral students and ensure adherence to and compliance with current advances in both research and pedagogy, including appropriate textbooks and other literature sources

b) Compile teaching, study tools and other instructional materials, select appropriate textbooks and other literature sources, support teaching assistants and laboratory and/or field work

c) Review, evaluate and provide advisory services on research proposal presented for either thesis or funding by students and other staff

d) Mobilize resources for research , teaching, (product/business) development, networking, outreach, dissemination of research findings, community service, internships and placements

e) Engage in relevant cutting edge research along with students and other academic and technical staff, and pro-actively participate in research teams to ensure quality and upgrading of knowledge, skills and competences.

f) Provide advisory services and leadership in publishing research outputs by students and staff in reputable journals and periodicals that enhances the visibility and recognition of PAU as an institution of research excellence in the various thematic research fields

g) Provide advice and leadership on consultancy services nationally regionally and internationally

h) Establish and maintain professional, academic and research networks nationally, regionally and internationally for the benefit of PAU community and stakeholders

i) Actively involve in the participation and organization of conferences, workshops seminars, exhibitions, fairs, symposia, public lectures at all levels possible.

j) Serve in various committees within the institute and programs and also provide services to the "academic community," such as organizing conferences, editing and refereeing for journals,

Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer

An Associate Professor and a Senior Lecturer are academic staff members recognized in their specialty to conduct studies and research in all levels of higher education and are entitled to instruct and supervise and guide masters and doctoral students. Their roles shall include the following

a) Teach masters and doctoral students and ensure adherence to and compliance with current advances in both research and pedagogy, including appropriate textbooks and other literature sources

b) Compile teaching, study tools and other instructional materials, select appropriate textbooks and other literature sources, support teaching assistants and laboratory and/or field work

c) Review, evaluate and provide advisory services on research proposal presented for either thesis or funding by students

d) Mobilize resources for research , teaching, (product/business) development, networking, outreach, dissemination of research findings community service, internships and placements

e) Engage in relevant cutting edge research along with students and other academic and technical staff

f) Provide advisory services in publishing research outputs by students in reputable journals and periodicals that enhances the visibility and recognition of PAU as an institution of research excellence in the various thematic research fields

g) Establish and maintain professional, academic and research networks nationally, regionally and internationally for the benefit of PAU community and stakeholders

h) Actively involve in the participation and organization of conferences, workshops seminars, exhibitions, fairs, symposia, public lectures at all levels possible.

i) Serve in various committees within the institute and programs and also provide services to the "academic community





a) PhD

b) Full Professorship or its equivalent

c) 10 years of successful academic working experiences (teaching and post doc research)

d) 20 publications in refereed journals

e) Demonstrated research management and fundraising competences

f) Experience in administrative & Higher Education management

g) Institutional and program development

h) Excellent English/French language proficiency



a. PhD

b. Full professorship or its equivalent

c. 8 years of successful academic working experiences (teaching and post doc research)

d. Demonstrated ability to supervise Doctoral Students

e. 5 publications in refereed Journals

f. Recent success in applying for research grants

g. Excellent English/French language proficiency


Associate Professor

a) PhD

b) 6 years academic working experience (teaching and post doc research)

c) Demonstrated ability to supervise Masters and Doctoral Students

d) 10 Publications in refereed Journals

e) Recent success in applying for research grants

f) Excellent English/French language proficiency


Senior Lecturer

a) PhD

b) 5 years academic working experience (teaching and post doc research)

c) Demonstrated ability to supervise Masters Students

d) 5 publications in refereed Journals

e) Experience in Research grant proposal writing

f) Excellent English/French language proficiency


Professional Practitioner

a) PhD or Master’s Degree

b) 5 years of working experience in public, private or industry

c) 2 years Teaching experience

d) Excellent English/French language proficiency


Proficiency in English and/or French languages, knowledge of both languages would be an added advantage.


The appointment will be made on a fixed term contract for a period of three (3) years Thereafter, the contract may be renewed for another two (2) years.


The salary to the position is an annual lump-sum as per the below:

Professor and Chair: US$ 95,376

Professor: US$ 81,560

Associate Professor: US$73,344 Senior

Lecturer: US$ 66,600

The above mentioned salaries are inclusive of all allowances

Applications must be made through the AUC E-recruitment Website not later than 10th October 2015.

Directorate of Administration and Human Resource Management African Union Commission Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

Institutes/Field Area of Specialization/ Required positions/Quantity




Master of arts in conference interpreting

Assistant professor in Conference Interpreting (with French A English B-Spanish C as languages) 1

Professor in Conference Interpreting (with French A-English BArabic C as working languages) 1

Assistant professor in Conference Interpreting (with French A English B-Portuguese C as working languages) 1

Associate professor in Conference Interpreting (with Kiswahili AEnglish B-French C as languages) 1

Assistant professor Conference Interpreting (with English A French B languages and mastery of media interpreting) 1


Master of Arts in Translation

Assistant professor in Translation (with French A-English B Spanish C as languages) 1

Professor in Translation (with Kiswahili A-English B-French C as languages) 1

Associate Professor Translation (with English A-French B as languages) 1

Assistant Professor in Translation (with French A-English B as languages) 1



Read 3129 times Last modified on Sunday, 13 September 2015 09:02

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