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Wednesday, 27 June 2018 08:50

Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Translation-oriented Terminology Science and Translation Technologies

University of Vienna offers an academic tenure-track professorship position. Within two years' time, the University will offer a qualification agreement if the academic performance suggests that the required high qualification can be reached. With the conclusion of the qualification agreement, the employee will be allocated to the group of "Assistant Professors". If the qualification is achieved according to the agreement, employment, which originally has a six-year duration, will be continued for an indefinite period as an "Associate Professor".

The Centre for Translation Studies advertises the following position(s):

Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Translation-oriented Terminology Science and Translation Technologies

Open to new ideas. Since 1365. As a research university with high international visibility and a wide range of degree programmes, the University of Vienna is committed to basic research open to application and research-led teaching, as well as to career development of young researchers and to the dialogue with economy and society. That way, the University of Vienna contributes to the education of future generations and to the society's ability to innovate.

The appointment of researchers with high potential to the announced positions is an important strategy of the University of Vienna. Become part of this vibrant and future-oriented organisation.

At the Centre for Translation Studies of the University of Vienna the position of a Tenure-Track Professorship for the field of Translation-oriented Terminology Science and Translation Technologies (full-time position) is to be filled.

Digitization and globalization have a transformative impact on international language industry, where multilingual terminology management in combination with the use of a broad range of translation technologies are of fundamental importance. Terminology science and research in language technologies deal in an interdisciplinary way with socio-cultural, cognitive, economic and technological dimensions. This tenure-track professorship strengthens research and teaching activities in this integrated and dynamic field.

Successful candidates should have the following qualifications:

Doctoral degree/PhD and at least two years post-doctoral experience at a university or other research institutionOutstanding achievements and potential in research, excellent publication record, international reputationExperience in designing and participating in research projects, as well as the willingness and ability to lead research groups, willingness to acquire third-party fundingEnthusiasm for excellent teaching, teaching experience at universities or a teaching concept as well as the ability and willingness to teach students in all phases of their studies (bachelor's, master's, or doctoral level), to supervise academic theses and to promoting young academic colleagues

The University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelor's programmes and for participation in university committees. In addition, the University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to be prepared to take over responsibility on the organisational level of the Centre and the University, if necessary.

Job description:

The announced position is an academic tenure-track professorship position. Within two years' time, the University will offer a qualification agreement if the academic performance suggests that the required high qualification can be reached. With the conclusion of the qualification agreement, the employee will be allocated to the group of "Assistant Professors". If the qualification is achieved according to the agreement, employment, which originally has a six-year duration, will be continued for an indefinite period as an "Associate Professor".

Via a further competitive procedure as stipulated in the University's Statutes, associate professors can be directly promoted to full professor.

If the qualification goals are not achieved, the employment will end upon expiry of the contract term.

We offer:

the opportunity for a long-time career track (initial classification according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff: section 48, job group B1, lit. b)in addition to the statutory social insurance, the University of Vienna offers a pension fund to its employeesa dynamic research location with well-established research funding provisionsattractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of lifea wide range of support services offered by central service institutions

The University of Vienna pursues a non-discriminatory employment policy and values equal opportunities, as well as diversity ( The University lays special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female applicants.

Application document:

Please provide your application in English and in electronic form structured in the following way.

A single PDF document named "LastName_FirstName.pdf" containing the following information:

Cover Sheet and Table of ContentsApplication letter, including a brief description of:

motivation to apply for the positioncurrent research interests and research plans for the futurecurrent and planned foci in academic teaching and the supervision of early career researchers

Academic curriculum vitae, including information about:

education, degrees (incl. information about the PhD granting institution and the exact date DD.MM.YYYY when the PhD was conferred) and professional experience"esteem factors" (e.g. experiences as a publisher, functions in research societies or programme committees)previous and current cooperation partners

Full list of publications, including:

specification of five key publications which the applicant considers particularly relevant to the advertised tenure-track professorshipprovision of links to a publicly downloadable version or these five key publications (if not available: full text electronic version in appendix)information about publication strategy, publishers of monographs (publisher, ranking, peer-review) and journals (peer-review, indexation in publication databases like SCIE, SSCI, AHCI; if available citations and impact factors), depending on the common practice in the relevant research area

List of scientific talks

including information about invited keynote lectures at international conferences

Third-party funding

complete list of acquired third-party funded projects as PI, as well as a list of third-party funded projects which the candidate was a member of (role, subject, duration, funding agency, volume), and, if applicable, of inventions/patents

Academic Teaching and Supervision

record of academic teaching as well as supervised theses and/or teaching and supervision concepts

Appendices to application document (in a single PDF or ZIP file named "LastName_FirstName_Appendices.pdf/zip"):

Five key publications as electronic full text version (if not publicly available)Teaching evaluations (if available, compiled into a single PDF file)Copies of certificates of academic degrees (mandatory, compiled into a single PDF file)

Please submit your application in the requested form and structure to the Job Center of the University of Vienna (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Reference no.: 8739

The application deadline is 30 September 2018

Read 1643 times Last modified on Wednesday, 27 June 2018 08:54

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